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例句 The government is in danger of becoming a mere puppet of the military.政府面临成为军方傀儡的危险。The community is struggling to fight against drug dealers and prostitution, in their effort to make the area a safer place to live.该社区正在对抗贩毒分子和卖淫以努力使该地区成为更安全的居住区。His antics always make good fodder for the gossip columnists.他滑稽可笑的举止总是成为八卦专栏作家的好素材。On completion of the preregistration year, graduates become fully registered by the General Medical Council.预先登记期满一年,毕业生就会成为医学总会的正式注册成员。The group became a sales juggernaut in the commodity-options business.这个集团成为商品期权行业里的销售巨无霸。The success of her books has made her the patron saint of a new literary movement.她的书大获成功,使她成为新文学运动的领袖。Las Vegas became the wellspring of a new style of family values.拉斯韦加斯成为一种新的家庭价值观的发源地。She became a queen upon marrying the king.她与国王结婚后成为王后。Education reform seems to have become the flavor of the month among politicians.一时间,教育改革似乎已成为政治家们关注的焦点。That really knocked back any hope for peace.那的确使进一步的和平谈判成为了泡影。Only the privileged few can become members of the club.只有少数特权人士才能成为俱乐部会员。What started as a small annual concert has snowballed into a full-fledged music festival.起初这是一个小型年度音乐会,后来发展成为一个成熟完善的音乐节。Boxing has become big business, with a huge amount of money riding on the outcome of a fight.拳击已成为赚大钱的生意,大笔的钱,输赢就看一场拳赛的结果。Inner-city teaching has become a popular public-service job for new graduates.在城市中心区域教书成为了一种受毕业生欢迎的热门政府工作。He was determined to become a world-class player.他决心成为一名世界级的运动员。It's the good weather that makes Spain such a popular tourist destination.好天气使西班牙成为旅游胜地。Her boss regards her as executive material. 她的老板认为她会成为合格的管理人员。Funny, profane, and fearless, she has become one of America's biggest television celebrities.她因滑稽、不敬神明和无所顾忌成为美国最出名的电视名人之一。The pundits are all backing him to become the next President. 专家们都认为他将成为下一届总统。She has become the guru of many a modern mother-to-be.她已成为许多现代准妈妈的指导。Certain personality traits make people more likely to become victims of violent crime.某些人格特点使人容易成为暴力罪案的受害人。Dovedale has become something of a tourist mecca during summer.达夫河谷已经成为夏季的旅游胜地。St Mary's Hospital in Paddington became a self-governing trust this week.帕丁顿的圣玛丽医院这周成为政府资助的独立经营医院。She decided to become a Christian and was baptized.她决定成为基督徒并接受了洗礼。In my youth I wanted to be an inventor.我年轻时的抱负是成为一个发明家。Tony has given a lot of thought to what made his father a legendary coach.托尼认真想过父亲是如何成为大名鼎鼎的教练的。His poor eyesight disqualified him from becoming a pilot.他的视力不好,所以未能成为飞行员。It's up to you to set an example. 成为什么样的榜样取决于你。It would be shocking if it were to become a cover for murder.如果这能成为谋杀的借口,那也太令人震惊了。The mayor has become a prime target for criticism.市长已成为最可能的抨击目标。Her intelligence, coupled with her experience, makes her a perfect candidate for the job.她的智力加上经验使她成为这份工作的理想人选。Fitness has now become an important element in our lives.现在健康已经成为我们生活中的一个要素。The elections may prove to be pivotal in Colombia's political history.这一选举可能成为哥伦比亚政治史上关键的一次。Child abuse has become a serious social problem.虐待儿童已成为严重的社会问题。I'd hate to be the one to disillusion him.我不愿意成为那个让他幻想破灭的人。Herbal remedies are becoming big business.草药将成为赚钱的大生意。He later became Vice-president.后来,他成为了副总统。She has the capability to become a very fine actress.她有能力成为一名非常优秀的演员。He and Paula made an unlikely pair.他和葆拉不太可能成为一对儿。Bogart has got to be one of the all-time greats.博加特定会成为有史以来的几位伟人之一。




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