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He really enjoys puttering around in the garden.他非常喜欢在花园里慢条斯理地做些琐细活。The hotel manager slowly looked the old man up and down and then asked him to leave.旅馆经理慢条斯理地上下打量着老人,然后请他离开。She answered him with slow sarcasm.她以慢条斯理的讽刺口吻回答他。He spoke slowly and ruminatively as he paced the room.他一边在房间里踱来踱去,一边慢条斯理地说着话,时而若有所思。For years he had plodded along in a series of boring office jobs.多年来他一直慢条斯理地干着枯燥乏味的办公室工作。 |