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词汇 愿意
例句 Nobody was prepared to risk prosecution by actually naming names.没有人愿意冒着被起诉的风险去真正指认别人。He would sit quietly and watch what was happening.愿意静观事态发展。Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?愿意让这个男人成为你的合法丈夫吗?You could share a taxi with me if you like.愿意的话就和我同乘一辆出租车吧。I'm going to the museum tomorrow. Would you like to come along?我打算明天去参观博物馆。你愿意跟我一起去吗?We'll go to the Louvre tomorrow if you like.如果你愿意,我们明天去卢浮宫。Would you be prepared to help me get things ready for the party?愿意帮我准备聚会上用的东西吗?None of the company directors were prepared to comment on the record yesterday.昨天,公司董事没有哪个愿意公开发表意见。There aren't many people in Congress who are willing to carry water for us.在国会里愿意帮我们说话的人不多。 They appear willing to talk to us.他们看起来愿意跟我们交谈。You shall be my esquire, if you will.如果你愿意的话,可以当我的男伴。Nobody wants this type of heater any more - I can't even give it away!这种加热器没人再愿意要了——我连白送都送不出去!The traffickers knew that there would always be someone willing to move the gear.非法贩卖者们知道总有人愿意转移毒品。It is not clear whether the president is willing to negotiate with the democrats.还不清楚总统是否愿意和民主人士洽谈。More people are choosing to work beyond retirement age.现在有更多的人过了退休年龄仍愿意继续工作。Sources close to the president say that he is willing to make a deal.总统身边的人透露,他愿意达成这项协议。She was high enough on the corporate ladder to take time off whenever she wanted.她在公司中的级别很高,只要她愿意随时可以休假。He bowed to the inevitable and announced that he was willing to resume diplomatic relations.迫于外界压力,他宣布愿意恢复外交关系。The organization depends on charity, and on volunteer workers who are prepared to give up their time.这个组织依靠的是慈善捐款,以及愿意献出时间的义务工作者。Cowpland said he was willing to buy the company if he got a good deal.考普兰说如果合算的话,他愿意买下那家公司。Both sides are willing to make allowances for each other's political sensitivities.双方都愿意体谅彼此的政治敏感问题。President Mwinyi said his country would also like to attract investment from private companies.姆维尼总统说他的国家同样愿意吸收来自私营公司的投资。I put you on a pedestal: I would have died for you.我曾崇拜你,愿意为你而死。Are you willing to contemplate retraining?愿意仔细考虑再培训的事吗?Later on, we could go and have a meal if you like.愿意的话,过会儿我们可以一起去吃饭。Labour hinted it would like to resume the broken dialogue with management.劳方暗示愿意与资方恢复已经中断的对话。You can try to change her mind if you like, but you'll be pissing in the wind.愿意的话可以试着让她改变主意,但你只会是浪费时间。He would do almost anything to prove his love for her.他几乎愿意做任何事情来证明自己对她的爱。She's always willing to babysit, but I don't want to take advantage of her good nature.她总愿意来照看孩子,可是我不想利用她的好心肠。Personally I'd take the job, but that's for you to decide.我个人愿意做这份工作,但这事由你决定。Would you like to share your feelings with the group?愿意把你的感受与团队分享吗?Maud sounded her on her willingness to take up the job.莫德试探了一下她是否愿意做这个工作。Any time you're in bad, I'm glad to be of service.你不论在什么时候遇到麻烦,我都愿意帮忙。We've been running round in circles trying to get the information we need, but no-one will tell us anything.我们徒劳地试图找到需要的信息,但是没有任何人愿意告诉我们。You have to be willing to get to know yourself and your partner intimately.你必须愿意在恋爱中逐渐认识自己和伴侣。He was willing to make any sacrifice for peace.愿意为和平作出任何牺牲。She's trying to find a publisher who will take a chance on her book. 她正努力找个愿意赌一把的出版商为她出书。If they're willing to put all their cards on the table and negotiate, that's good.如果他们愿意公开自己的打算并进行谈判,那就好了。They are willing to be flexible on a few points.他们愿意在几个方面做出变通。She would only play a role if she could identify with the character.她只愿意演自己有认同感的角色。




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