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词汇 circumstances
例句 His father died when he was ten, leaving the family in straitened circumstances.他十岁时父亲去世,随后一家人陷入了贫困的境地。Under the circumstances, the principal was justified in expelling this student.在这种情况下,校长完全有理由开除这名学生。He never let himself be discouraged by any adverse circumstances.他从不因遇到逆境而灰心丧气。In normal circumstances I would let you use my car, but today I need it.正常情况下我会让你用我的车,但是今天我要用车。Criminologist Dr Ann Jones has linked the crime to social circumstances.犯罪学家安·琼斯博士认为这起罪案与社会环境有关。TV cameras are sometimes allowed in the courts, but it depends on the circumstances.法庭上有时允许电视摄像,但视情形而定。We are all born leaders; we just need the right circumstances in which to flourish.我们每个人天生都具备领导者的素质;我们只是需要适当的环境来培养这种素质。Under normal circumstances Martin would probably have gone to college.在正常情况下,马丁很可能已经上大学了。The two people came together in unlikely circumstances.这两人在不大可能的情况下走到了一起。The defendants decide to admit their guilt, but insist that there are extenuating circumstances.被告方决定认罪,但是坚称有从轻情节。Obviously we can't deal with the problem until we know all the circumstances.显然,我们只有了解全部情况后才能处理这问题。The rules pertaining to one set of circumstances do not necessarily pertain to another.对于一种情况适用的规则对于另一种情况不一定适用。The rules can only be waived in exceptional circumstances.这些规定只有在特殊情况下才能破例。Under no circumstances can the quality of nursing be allowed to be degraded.无论在什么情况下都不允许降低护理质量。She was certainly an unwilling victim of circumstances.她成为情势的牺牲品绝对不是自己愿意的。Due to circumstances beyond our control the performance has had to be cancelled.由于我们无法控制的情况,这次演出不得不取消。Premature babies have a hard time even under the best of circumstances.即使在最好的条件下,早产儿也会历经磨难。The circumstances surrounding McBain's death are suspicious.麦克贝恩的死因很可疑。I know what it means to lose a child under such tragic circumstances.我明白在这种悲惨的情况下失去孩子的滋味。The most honorable thing that he can do in these circumstances is to resign.在这种情况之下,他所能做的最体面的事就是辞职。In the circumstances we'll tell you what we can, within limits, of course, and in confidence.在这种情况下,我们会把能告诉你的都告诉你,当然这是有限度的,而且需要保密。In these circumstances, it is the managers who come off best.在这种情况下,几个经理表现得最好。You were right to do what you did, under the circumstances.在这种情况下,你做的是对的。The failure was caused by circumstances outside our control.失败是由于我们无法控制的情况所造成的。Extra funding may be available in certain circumstances.在某些情况下可能会有额外的资金。The rules require you to inform us of any change in your circumstances.这些规定要求你遇到情况有任何变动时都要告知我们。Whatever the circumstances, parents are supposed to know what to do for the best.不论在什么情况下,父母都应该知道怎样做才是最好的。It was the only thing I could do under the circumstances.在这种情况下这是我唯一能够做的。His behaviour was conditioned by his circumstances.他的行为受到环境的影响。In the circumstances he felt he'd been very restrained.在那种情况下,他感觉自己是非常克制的。Whether or not you qualify for a loan will depend on your financial circumstances.你是否有资格获得贷款将取决于你的经济状况。He died in mysterious circumstances.他死得很蹊跷。She declared that she would not attend the party under any circumstances.她声称无论如何都不会去参加那个聚会。Depending on your circumstances you may wish to opt for one method or the other.依据自身情况的不同,你可能希望选择这种或那种方法。The circumstances suggest murder.事实表明可能是谋杀。We would have been finished hours ago under normal circumstances.要是在正常情况下,我们早在几小时前就已经完成了。Problems can occur even in/under the best of circumstances. 即使在最理想的情况下,也可能出现问题。We lost our position in the market due to a combination of circumstances.由于多方面的原因,我们失去了原先的市场地位。Exit visas are only given in exceptional circumstances.只有在很特殊的情况下才发放出境签证。He became a victim of circumstances.他成了命运的牺牲品。




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