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词汇 感到痛苦
例句 It is common for children to experience frustration and anger when their parents divorce.父母离婚时,孩子们普遍会感到痛苦和愤怒。After swearing off alcohol, he was wrenched by uncontrollable shaking.他发誓戒酒之后因无法控制的颤抖而感到痛苦The sobs wrenched and tore at her.一声声的啜泣使她感到痛苦之至。We feel pain, disillusionment, and despair when someone we idolized betrays our trust.当我们崇拜的人辜负了我们的信任,我们会感到痛苦、幻灭和绝望。He ached at the country's coming division.他对国家行将分裂的局面感到痛苦The soldier was embittered by the war.士兵由于战争而感到痛苦Person may suffer from loneliness, fear, anxiety, or other emotional responses to stress.人们会因孤独、恐惧、焦虑或其它感情上压抑等而感到痛苦The divorce was painful for both of us.离婚让我俩都感到痛苦I was getting desperate.感到痛苦We hoped to spare her the pain of having to meet her attacker.为了不让她感到痛苦,我们希望能够避免让她见到攻击她的人。The old man was embittered by the sudden death of his daughter.老人由于女儿的突然去世而感到痛苦The boy hurts.那个男孩感到痛苦The man and his wife lead a cat and dog life, and both are miserable.他们夫妻俩经常吵架,两人都感到痛苦Bullying can indeed be distressing and frightening for those at the receiving end.受到欺凌的人会真实地感到痛苦和害怕。




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