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Nicholas ate a whole dish of spaghetti.尼古拉斯吃掉了一整盘意大利面。Making pasta by hand with a rolling pin can be a real chore.用擀面杖擀意大利面会是个非常枯燥乏味的活儿。The next step in the recipe is to layer the pasta and the sauce in the pan. 根据食谱,下一步是在平锅内放一层意大利面,抹一层调味汁,然后再放、再抹。The oil keeps the pasta from sticking together.油可避免意大利面粘在一起。Put the spaghetti into plenty of boiling salted water.把意大利面放入大量煮沸的盐水中。You can get pasta in lots of different shapes.意大利面有各式各样的形状。Serve the pasta with a drizzle of olive oil.上桌时,在意大利面上淋些橄榄油。Douse the pasta with olive oil.把橄榄油浇在意大利面上。Mix the spinach and cheese and use it to fill the pasta shells.把菠菜和奶酪搅拌一下并用它来填入意大利面壳。You need to lick off a piece of pasta on your chin.你赶紧把嘴边上的意大利面舔掉。He began to stuff his mouth with pasta.他开始往嘴里塞意大利面。Serve hot, with pasta or rice.趁热和意大利面或米饭一起端上桌。The big jars are good for storing rice or pasta.大的罐子很适合存放大米或意大利面。Serve hot, with pasta or rice and French beans.趁热和意大利面或米饭以及四季豆一起端上桌。The pasta is boiling.意大利面正煮着。Cook the sauce over a medium heat until it thickens. Meanwhile start boiling the water for the pasta.用中火把调味汁煮到变稠,同时烧水准备煮意大利面。We had soup/pâté/pasta as a starter.我们的头盘是汤/肉酱/意大利面。Is the pasta cooked yet?意大利面煮好了吗?Drain the spaghetti well.把意大利面中的水沥干。I drain the pasta, then I share it out between two plates.我将意大利面沥干,然后平分到两个盘子里。I ate a salad and a plate of spaghetti.我吃了一份沙拉和一盘意大利面。Spoon the sauce into large uncooked pasta shells.将调味汁舀进大个的生贝壳状意大利面里。Eating spaghetti can be a messy business.吃意大利面可能会弄得周围脏兮兮的。Drain the pasta well, arrange on four plates and pour over the sauce.把意大利面的水分完全沥干,然后盛在四个盘子里浇上酱。The pasta was cooked al dente.意大利面做得很筋道。I more or less live on pasta.我基本上只吃意大利面。Egg pasta is certainly preferred by many chefs.许多厨师无疑更喜欢鸡蛋意大利面。I'll make the salad if you'll make the pasta.你做意大利面的话,我就做沙拉。The recipe calls for alternating layers of meat sauce and pasta.制作方法要求肉酱和意大利面分层叠压。He began to feed in the spaghetti, carefully separating the strands.他开始放入意大利面,小心翼翼地将面一根根分开。Add a fairly liberal amount of olive oil to the pasta.往意大利面上多加些橄榄油。I prefer fresh pasta made with unbleached flour, eggs and olive oil.我更喜欢用未漂白的面粉、鸡蛋和橄榄油做出来的新鲜意大利面。Melissa piled spaghetti onto her plate.梅利莎一个劲往盘子里堆意大利面。Toss the pasta with the tomato sauce.用番茄酱拌意大利面。We dined on pasta and fresh vegetables.我们正餐吃了意大利面和新鲜蔬菜。Plunge the pasta into boiling water.把意大利面倒入沸水中。I opened a tin of spaghetti hoops.我打开一罐意大利面圈。Pour the sauce over the pasta and serve immediately.把调味汁浇到意大利面上后就立刻上桌。She put a sprinkling of parsley on the pasta. 她在意大利面上撒了点欧芹。I guess the food I eat most is pasta.我想我吃得最多的食物是意大利面了。 |