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词汇 愈发
例句 Her self-confidence will develop alongside her technique.随着她的技术不断提高,她会愈发自信。The difficulties of outsourcing have been compounded by the increasing resistance of trade unions.工会愈发强烈的抵制使得外包更难进行。The weight loss began to look more serious.体重下降眼看开始变得愈发厉害了。The campaign has been gaining momentum over the past few weeks.该项运动的发展势头在过去几个星期愈发强劲。His glasses magnified his irritable glare.他那怒不可遏的眼神在眼镜片下显得愈发逼人。Life was hard, and it became harder as the war progressed.那时候生活很艰难,并且随着战争的持续愈发艰难了。There has been increased tension over the border incident.边境事件造成局势愈发紧张。The difficulties of outsourcing have been compounded by the increasing resistance of trade unions.工会愈发激烈的抵制使得外包更难进行。As the day wore on Brand found himself increasingly impressed.白天慢慢过去,布兰德发现自己兴趣愈发浓厚。These problems were aggravated by the overvaluation of the pound.英镑估价过高使这些问题愈发严峻。Ian's rages and aberrant behavior worsened.伊恩的怒气越来越大,反常行为也愈发恶劣。We realized with a sense of growing desperation that nobody knew we were in there.意识到没有人知道我们在那里,我们愈发绝望。Since I started eating more healthily I've got so much more energy.自从更加注意饮食健康以来,我精力愈发充沛了。The rolls of distant thunder were growing more ominous.远处隆隆的雷声听着愈发惊心,要变天了。The mystery deepens as more witnesses come forward to tell different stories.由于又有一些证人站出来提供了各不相同的证词,这件事愈发显得扑朔迷离了。This factor will come increasingly to the fore as election day nears.随着选举日的临近,这一因素将愈发重要。His behavior grew more unpredictable by the day, and increasingly tyrannical.他的行为越来越难以捉摸,而且愈发残暴。In pregnancy a high-fibre diet is doubly important.怀孕期间,高纤维膳食愈发重要。A thigh injury increasingly hindered her mobility.大腿受伤使她行动愈发不便。Dust was an increasing problem as the wind fretted the land.伴随着风对地面的不断侵蚀,沙尘问题变得愈发突出。Tension builds around the mystery of what will happen to Freddie.弗雷迪会发生什么事显得神秘莫测,气氛愈发紧张。It was the practical aspect of life that heightened her feelings of loneliness and loss.是生活中的现实使她愈发感到孤独和失落。Her self-confidence will grow alongside her technique.随着她的技术不断提高,她会愈发自信。His behaviour grew more unpredictable by the day, and increasingly tyrannical.他的行为一天比一天难捉摸,且愈发地残暴。As such tensions increase, they loom larger in Russia's domestic politics.这种紧张关系的不断加剧使其在俄罗斯国内政治中愈发凸显。My headache grew worse as the evening wore on.随着晚上的时间慢慢过去,我的头痛得愈发厉害了。The child's behavioural problems have become more noticeable.这孩子行为上的问题已经变得愈发明显。The baron became increasingly heated over the hypocrisy of it all.男爵对整件事的虚伪愈发感到怒火中烧。The fact that he is so young makes his achievements even more impressive.他竟然如此年轻,这一点使他的成就愈发令人钦佩。We became more annoyed by the minute.我们一下子变得愈发恼怒。Detecting some dissent, the prison officer assumed a more official manner.发觉意见存在分歧,狱警就愈发摆出一副官样来。The storm got worse and worse. Finally, I was obliged to abandon the car and continue on foot.暴风雨愈发猛烈,我最终不得不弃车步行。Janet's husband and sister noticed that small kitchen objects were disappearing with increasing regularity.珍妮特的丈夫和她的姐姐发现厨房里的小物件经常不翼而飞,而且次数愈发频繁。Amy had the growing sense that she was adrift and isolated.埃米愈发感到自己孤立无援,孑然一身。Renewable energy will become progressively more important as time goes on.随着时间的推移,可再生能源将变得愈发重要。He gets more attractive as he gets older.随着年龄的增长,他变得愈发有魅力。Max sighed, sounding even more downhearted.马克斯叹了口气,听起来愈发消沉了。When the uncertainties become greater than the certainties, we end up in a game of bluff.情况愈发难以确定,我们最终陷入一个唬人的把戏中。Service industries such as tourism have become more important in the post-industrial age.旅游业等服务行业在后工业化时代变得愈发重要了。Small kitchen objects were disappearing with increasing regularity.厨房里的小物件经常不翼而飞,而且次数愈发频繁。




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