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词汇 circling
例句 As soon as they learned of his arrest, the media vultures started circling.一得知他被捕了,媒体那帮趁火打劫的家伙就开始到处传播。An aeroplane was circling round far overhead.一架飞机在高空盘旋。Birds were circling overhead.鸟儿在头顶上盘旋飞翔。Sharks were circling around our boat.鲨鱼在我们的小船周围游弋。The hawks were circling high in the air/sky.几只鹰在高空盘旋。There are trees circling our little house.有一圈树围绕着我们的小房子。There were two helicopters circling around.有两架直升机在空中盘旋。They caught occasional glimpses of great birds circling.他们偶尔会看见一群大鸟在空中盘旋。A helicopter was circling around, looking for somewhere to land.直升机盘旋着寻找降落地点。A buzzard was circling overhead.一只鵟在头顶盘旋。The vultures were already circling around the dead animal.兀鹫已经在绕着动物的尸体盘旋了。Seagulls were circling overhead.海鸥在头顶盘旋。Astronauts circling the earth are able to keep in touch with civilization by means of radio.环绕地球飞行的宇航员可通过无线电与文明世界保持联系。Several planes were circling above the airport.几架飞机在机场上空盘旋。We kept circling the airport waiting for a landing slot.我们一直在机场盘旋等待降落时间。These hawks are magnificent in flight, soaring and circling for long periods.这些鹰飞行能力极其出色,可以长时间在空中翱翔和盘旋。Emily kept circling around her mother.埃米莉围着她妈妈转个不停。The plane was circling Kennedy waiting for clearance.飞机在肯尼迪机场上空盘旋,等待地面着陆许可。We all looked towards the sky where the vultures were circling.我们都向天空看去,上面有些鹫在盘旋。The helicopter was circling slowly, very low.直升机在缓缓盘旋,飞得非常低。As we walked along the beach, I could see seagulls circling above the cliffs.我们走在沙滩上,我看到海鸥在悬崖上方盘旋。




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