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词汇 circles
例句 His name is being bandied about in showbiz circles.他的名字在演艺圈传开。The discussion kept going round in circles.讨论一直在原地兜圈子。She moves in high-society circles in London.她时常出入伦敦的上流社会。We move in such different circles I'm surprised we ever met.我们的社交圈子如此不同,我真想不到我们竟能相遇。We spun the top and watched it turn around in circles.我们把陀螺转动起来,看着它一圈圈地旋转。The dark circles under his eyes told their own tale.他的黑眼圈很明显。We don't know why the prehistoric stone circles were built. We can only speculate.我们不知道建造史前巨石圈的原因,只能推测。Britain has now become a complete laughing stock in international sporting circles.英国如今成了国际体育界耻笑的对象。Those little kids can ski circles around me. 那些小孩滑雪滑得比我好得多。The pattern consists of circles and half-moons.图案是由圆形和半月形组成的。Nobody can run circles around him in this field.在这方面没人能轻易超过他。He lost his title unexpectedly to a man who is virtually unknown outside boxing circles.他出人意料地把他的冠军称号输给了拳坛以外几乎无人认识的一个人。He is reputed within Palestinian circles to speak for Saudi Arabia.在巴勒斯坦人士中间,普遍认为他是沙特阿拉伯的代言人。Mozart quickly became well known in court circles.莫扎特很快就在宫廷圈内广为人知。I could see big circles of dampness under each arm.我能看到每只胳膊下都湿了一大圈。He's known in racing circles as a fierce competitor.他的凶悍无畏在赛马圈里广为人知。The mysterious circles appeared in the fields overnight, as if by magic.一夜之间,田地里出现了神秘的圆圈,令人难以解释。The discussion kept going around in circles.讨论一直在原地兜圈子。Within the defining circular enclosure of a henge can be circles of posts.在石阵围成的圆形区域内可以是一圈一圈的柱子。The planets move in circles around the sun.行星绕着太阳旋转。She moves in fashionable circles.她周旋于上流社会的圈子里。The huge wolfhound danced in circles around his mistress.这条大猎狼犬围着女主人蹦蹦跳跳地绕圈子。Rochester was well known as a wit in society circles.罗切斯特在社交界是个出名的说话风趣的人。The circles will intersect in two places.这些圆会在两处相交。Police believe the circles in the crops are made by someone playing an elaborate practical joke.警方认为那些麦田怪圈是某些人精心策划的恶作剧。Which earrings did you buy in the end - the triangles or the circles?最后你买了什么样的耳环——三角形的还是圆的?There are certain forms that must be followed in diplomatic circles.外交界里有若干惯例必须遵守。He has a theory about why dogs walk in circles before going to sleep.他有一种理论解释狗在睡觉之前为什么要走几圈儿。He's joined the inner circles of the court early in his career.他在职业生涯的初期就加入了法院的核心圈子。A fly zoomed about my head in narrowing circles.一只苍蝇在我头上嗡嗡打转,越飞越近。The fabric is decorated with circles and squares.织物上饰有圆形和正方形图案。He often talks in circles, frequently contradicting himself, and often ends up saying nothing.他讲话经常兜圈子,常自相矛盾,很多时候言之无物。The virulence of the disease is causing great concern in medical circles.这种病的高致命性已经引起了医学界的极大关注。Place the pastry circles on to a baking sheet and position one apple on each circle.把油酥面圈放到烘烤盘上,并在每个上面放一个苹果。There is a small overlap between the two circles.在这两个圆周有一小部分重叠。Her direct and forceful manner is considered an asset in political circles.她那种直率、强有力的作风在政界被视为一种优点。Customer-friendliness was the buzzword in British business circles.客户友好是英国商业界的流行语。She elbows her way into the best circles.她设法挤进了上层社会的圈子。We've been walking/driving in circles for hours!我们已经兜圈走/开了好几个小时了!She was looking strained and had dark circles beneath her eyes.她显得焦虑不安,眼睛下面有了黑眼圈。




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