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例句 I don't want to sound like a snob, but I thought she was vulgar.我不想像个势利鬼,但我觉得她就是庸俗。Their house is a far cry from what we expected.他们的房子和我们原先想像的大不相同。She could image what a lonely life her widowed sister was living.想像得出她守寡的姐姐过著怎样孤寂的生活。She pictured to herself the family sitting by the fire.想像著一家人围坐在火炉旁的情形。Older people are less accident-prone than we customarily think.年纪大一些的人出意外的比率不像我们通常想像的那么高。He wanted to follow in his mother's footsteps and be a ballroom dancer.想像他母亲那样,以跳交际舞为业。To deal with a gaggle of women is more difficult than you think.要对付一群吵闹的女人比你想像的还困难。So far you have not been able to describe the creature you saw. Either it is amorphous or it is just a figment of your imagination.到目前为止你都无法描述怪物的长相。要不它就是没有固定形状,要不就是你的想像After three years in the business, they found out that running a convenience store was not as lucrative as they thought.做了三年之后,他们才发现开便利商店并没有他们想像的那么好赚。She isn't wearing any knickers underneath her long skirt. Can you imagine?她长裙底下没有穿内裤。你能想像吗? It is hard to imagine the scale of the universe.很难想像宇宙有多大。It is difficult to imagine the magnitude of the universe.宇宙的广大很难想像It's difficult to conceive of living on the moon.很难想像在月球上生活。The US military wants to avoid the graduated escalation that marked the Vietnam War.美国军方不想像在越战中那样,把事态逐步升级为战争。The work is not so difficult as you imagine.这工作不像你想像的那么困难。His thoughts wobbled like a drunken man's.他的思想像醉汉的一样摇摆不定。When I was a child, I had visions of being a prince.小时候,我曾想像自己是个王子。Can you picture Bill dressed as a fairy?你能想像得出比尔扮作仙女的模样吗? You may imagine their astonishment at finding the room empty.你可以想像他们发现房间里空无一人时那吃惊的样子。Fancy her saying a thing like that!你能想像她竟说出那样的话来! In her mind's eye, she was back in her childhood.想像自己又回到了童年。




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