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词汇 情报
例句 From information received, it was thought that some illegal activity was afoot.根据收到的情报,相信有人在策划违法活动。We'll talk to two key senators on the Intelligence Committee.我们将与在情报委员会任职的两位参议院要员会谈。He had felt on the telephone that Jordan had a little nugget of information tucked away somewhere.他已从电话里感到乔丹掖着点儿什么有价值的情报He passed important information on the country's rocket forces to foreign intelligence officers.他把有关本国火箭部队的重要情报送交外国谍报机构官员。The military needs real-time intelligence.军队需要实时情报Police questioned the prisoner for several hours, but were unable to extract any further information.警方对囚犯盘问了几个小时,还是无法得到更多的情报Our intelligence shows that the enemy is advancing.我们的情报显示敌人正在向前推进。Civil servants should be as helpful as possible, and withhold information only in the interests of national security.公务员应该尽可能提供帮助,只有在关乎国家安全时才隐瞒情报You should treat this information as top secret.你应该把这条情报视为最高机密。We know that intelligence is our first line of defence / defense against terrorism.我们知道情报是我们的第一道反恐防线。His information was accurate.他的情报是准确的。After several hours of questioning, he finally coughed up the information.经过几个小时的审问,最后他供出了情报They got wind of the plot and diverted the president's plane to the military airfield.他们得到了关于这一阴谋的情报,便让总统的座机改在军用机场降落。Field commanders had complained of insufficient information about enemy forces.战地指挥官们抱怨有关敌军兵力的情报不够充分。Such is the sensitivity of the information that only two people are allowed to know it.这份情报极为敏感,所以只允许两个人知道。The drop near the river hasn't been used in years.近河边的那个情报传递点已经多年不用了。The purpose of intelligence is to provide information on how the enemy can be beaten.情报部门旨在提供如何击败敌人的情报Police offer leniency to criminals in return for information.警方给罪犯宽大处理以换取情报Police are offering a reward for information about the shooting.警方悬赏奖金给提供枪击案情报的人。They gave her information about German checkpoints and troop movements in the area.他们给了她该地区德军检查站和军队调动的情报Our deduction was based on the information given to us at the time.我们的推论是根据当时得到的情报The report lashes into police commanders for failing to act on intelligence information.因警察局长们未能根据情报展开行动,该报道对他们进行了严厉谴责。There is a possibility of being able to trade off information for a reduced sentence.有可能以情报换取减刑。We need more reliable information before we can take action.我们需要更加可信的情报才能采取行动。Her racing tipster got the Derby winner right.为她提供赛马情报的人猜中了德比马赛的获胜者。This information comes from a person I trust.这个情报来自一个我信任的人。The message was transmitted by radio.情报是用无线电发送的。The British government tried to suppress the book because of the information it contained about the security services.因为这本书的内容涉及情报安全部门的信息,所以英国政府试图查禁它。His sources of intelligence indicated that such a confederacy was highly probable.他有情报表明这一非法结盟很可能存在。According to our intelligence, further attacks were planned.根据我们的情报,还会有更进一步的攻击。The garrison was called out when news of the enemy's advance was received.收到敌人推进的情报后,卫戍部队受命出动。According to information received by the police, the terrorists have left the country.根据警方得到的情报,恐怖分子已经离开该国。Spies used a scrambler to encode their messages.间谍使用倒频器把他们的情报译成密码。The government suspects there is a mole who is leaking information to the press.政府怀疑有内奸向新闻界泄露情报If they had wanted to wring information from us, at least torture would be understandable.如果他们当初想逼我们交出情报,可以想见至少会动刑。Much of the information he gives is muddled.他提供的情报大多是杂乱无章的。The leak of information was officially inspired.这一情报的泄漏是官方授意的。MI5 intercepted a message sent from a business firm in Paris to The Hague.军情五处截获了巴黎一家商业公司发到海牙的一条情报We have only received scanty information so far.我们迄今只收到了少量情报The ongoing investigation has led to numerous intelligence leads.正在进行的调查已牵出了多条情报线索。




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