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词汇 悲观
例句 The poem contains a bleak prophecy of war and ruin.这首诗含有对战争与毁灭的悲观的预言。Things were beginning to look a bit gloomy.情况开始显得有点令人悲观Investors are generally bearish about the long-term outlook of the economy.投资者普遍对经济的长期前景持悲观态度。The prophets of doom say that the Internet will kill off print newspapers.悲观预言家们预测互联网将使印刷报纸不复存在。Isn't that a bit on the pessimistic side?这不有点太悲观了吗? Despite these superficial resemblances, this is a darker work than her earlier novels.尽管表面上有一些相似之处,但这本著作实际要比她以前的小说悲观He viewed the future with gloom.他对未来很悲观Most political analysts are gloomy about the country's future.大多数政治分析家都对该国的前景持悲观态度。Her gloomy mood disappeared in the mildness of spring.悲观的情绪在春天的温暖中消失了。Hardy has often been criticised for an excessively pessimistic view of life.哈代由于对生活持过度悲观的态度而常常受到批评。The gloomy forecasts are based on overly conservative projections of growth.这些悲观的预测是基于对经济增长过度保守的估计。I'm not paying much attention to their predictions of gloom and doom.我不太在意他们那些悲观的预测。He changed from an optimist to/into a pessimist.他从一个乐观的人变成一个悲观的人。In his book, Miller writes pessimistically about the future of American cities.米勒在书中悲观地写到了美国城市的将来。There were good grounds for pessimism about future progress.对将来的发展持悲观态度是有充分依据的。I am pessimistic about my chances of getting the job.我对于自己能否得到这份工作很悲观It's not all gloom and doom for the Australian economy.澳大利亚经济并非完全悲观无望。She had a rather dark view of the future.她对未来的看法很悲观Don't be too downhearted. There's always a way.别太悲观了,总有办法的。Their experiences had preinclined them to think pessimistically.他们的经历预先决定了他们必持悲观想法。Perhaps her pessimism is misplaced.也许她的悲观是没有根据的。He spoke gloomily about the prospect of a long civil war.悲观地谈到内战可能会长期进行。He was going to flip, she thought darkly.他快要失控了,她悲观地想。Pessimism is self-fulfilling - expect the worst and it happens.悲观自然会成为现实——预计有最坏的事,最坏的事便会发生。She takes a dim view of human nature. 她对人性持悲观看法。I was reading a gloomy economic prognosis in the paper this morning.今天早上我在看报纸上一篇悲观的经济预测文章。He's quite pessimistic about his chances of getting another job.他对自己是否能再找到一份工作很悲观Clearly some investors do not concur with his dismal analysis of the situation.显然一些投资者不赞同他对形势的悲观分析。The author has a pessimistic view of human nature.作者对人性持悲观的看法。He has a tendency towards pessimism.他有悲观的倾向。She has expressed pessimism over the outcome of the trial. 她对审判结果表示悲观Television drama had become popular shorthand for gloominess.电视剧已经成为悲观消极的流行代码。He warned against the dangers of undue pessimism.他警告说,持不必要的悲观态度是危险的。Why does the media present such a negative view of this splendid city?媒体为什么对这座光彩夺目的城市持如此悲观的看法?He remains deeply pessimistic about the peace process.他对和平进程仍然感到十分悲观He always looks at the doleful side, never the bright side.他总是看悲观的一面,从不看光明的一面。The experts were pessimistic, but McKellen remained hopeful.专家们很悲观,但麦克莱恩仍然抱有希望。These figures look quite pessimistic.这些数字看上去十分悲观She hinted darkly that all was not well.悲观地暗示并非一切都顺利。Don't be such a pessimist - I'm sure you'll pass your driving test!别这么悲观—我相信你一定会通过驾驶考试的!




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