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词汇 悲伤
例句 The intensity of the work left little room for personal grief or anxiety.高强度的工作使人几乎没空去悲伤或者忧虑。He looked mournful, even near to tears.他显得很悲伤,甚至都快哭出来了。What's the point of feeling blue?有什么好悲伤的? She was unhinged with grief.她因悲伤而精神失常。His grief expended itself in emptiness.他的悲伤在无聊空虚中消失了。She felt an indefinable sadness.她感到一种难以名状的悲伤The old caveat was that pleasures were fleeting, but griefs were not.老话说快乐短暂,悲伤长驻。It was nothing beside the sorrow he would feel.和他的悲伤相比,这都算不了什么。My heart is big with sadness.我内心充满悲伤The sight of her grief tore at my heart.看到她悲伤,我的心都要碎了。Terry was very cut up about Jim's death.吉姆的去世让特里觉得无比悲伤She used poetry as an outlet for her sadness.她用诗歌表达自己的悲伤Her face saddened at the bad news.她听到这坏消息面露悲伤Helpless grief was etched on their pallid faces.他们苍白的脸上流露出无助与悲伤He thought his heart would burst with grief.他觉得自己会满心悲伤Her deep sighs testified her sadness.她的一声声长叹表明她的悲伤All great songs are informed by a certain sadness and tension.所有很棒的歌曲都透着某种悲伤和张力。Sorrow has left its traces on her face.悲伤在她脸上留下了痕迹。The constant partygoing of her later years was a desperate camouflage for her grief.她晚年时不停地参加聚会,其实是在竭力掩饰自己的悲伤His heart was full of anger and grief.他的内心充满愤怒和悲伤She was heartbroken when she heard that John had died.听说约翰已经死了,她悲伤至极。Suddenly he became more thoughtful, and his eyes filmed over with sadness.突然他陷入更深的沉思,他的眼神也因悲伤而模糊了。She felt great grief over her lost youth.她对逝去的青春感到极大的悲伤Everyone who has been bereaved has to find his or her own way of coping.每一个痛失亲人或朋友的人都不得不自己想办法应对悲伤Her face/eyes saddened when she heard the news.听到这个消息后,她的脸上/双眼流露出悲伤She put on a histrionic display of grief at the funeral.她在葬礼上装出一副悲伤的样子。I wanted only to wallow in my own grief.我只想沉湎于自己的悲伤中。A sudden feeling of grief swept all my anger away.一阵突如其来的悲伤使我的怒气全消。He was happy rather than sad.他很高兴,而不是悲伤The whole thing smacked of showmanship, not grief.这一切有点像做给人家看的,并非真的悲伤She is desperately unhappy.悲伤至极。Her grief became less intense with the passing years.随着光阴的流逝,她的悲伤不那么强烈了。As time goes on, the child will forget his grief.随著时间的过去,孩子会忘记悲伤的。He has known both grief and happiness.悲伤和欢乐的滋味他都尝过。They are still struggling to come to terms with their grief.他们仍在努力克制他们的悲伤He's still grieving for his wife.他还在为妻子悲伤难过。She looked more sad than angry.她看起来更多的是悲伤,而不是愤怒。She had a small pinched face with sad eyes.她面容憔悴,眼神悲伤Her heart was pierced with grief.她内心悲伤极了。I sublimated my grief at the death of my mother by throwing myself into my work.我把对母亲逝世的悲伤转化为对工作的全身心投入。




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