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Insomniacs experience a range of knock-on problems that erode the quality of their waking life.失眠患者会受到一系列问题困扰,这些问题严重影响他们的日常生活质量。Bulimia sufferers may go on strict diets and exercise obsessively.贪食症患者可能会严格控制饮食并且过度运动。As an asthmatic, he cannot cope with heat and humidity.身为一个哮喘患者,他无法应对炎热与潮湿。The first May blossoms are harbingers of doom to the hay fever sufferer.五月初绽的花朵预示着花粉症患者要难熬了。Testing patients without their consent would constitute a professional and legal offence.未经患者同意而对其进行检查被视为违反职业操守并触犯法律。Patients suffering from depression are encouraged to laugh away their worries.鼓励抑郁症患者用笑驱除忧虑。A doctor must respect the wishes of patients.医生必须尊重患者的意愿。Endogenous insulin levels decrease over time in people with type 2 diabetes.二型糖尿病患者体内自生胰岛素水平会逐渐降低。Heparin injections are used to prevent blood clots in people undergoing dialysis and surgery.肝素注射是用来防止接受透析或手术的患者体内出现血凝块。Specialist centres specifically address the needs of patients.专科医生中心专门解决患者的需求。Sadly, the treatment doesn't work for all patients.很遗憾,这种治疗并不是对所有的患者都有效。The doctor's motive was to bring an end to his patient's suffering.医生的初衷是终止患者的痛苦。The patient is unable to adduct her right eye.患者右眼无法内收。People with Gorlin's syndrome usually have abnormally large heads and other abnormalities of the spine, ribs, or skull.戈林综合症患者通常头部异常巨大,同时还在脊椎、肋骨、颅骨处有异常。Cluster headaches are a lifelong condition for most sufferers.对大多数患者来说,集束性头痛是一种终生疾病。Her bed was screened off from the other patients.她的床同其他患者隔开了。The drug has no deleterious effects on patients.这种药不会对患者产生有害作用。Most diabetics have a normal sex life.大多数糖尿病患者都有正常的性生活。The patient presented a constellation of symptoms.这名患者出现了一系列症状。Separating the sick from the healthy lessens the risk of infection.将患者与健康人分开能够降低传染风险。The use of fish oil to treat cancer has brought fresh hope to millions of sufferers.用鱼油治疗癌症的方法给数百万患者带来了新的希望。Never mind, she is an epileptic.别理她,她是个癫痫症患者。The patient became increasingly disoriented as the illness progressed.随着病情的不断加重,患者越来越无所适从。The regulations should make it easier for patients to receive the treatment they need.规定应当使患者更易于接受所需的治疗。This spring has been particularly difficult for allergy sufferers.这个春天对过敏症患者来说尤其难熬。More and more heart patients are surviving thanks to improved surgical techniques.由于外科技术的改进,越来越多的心脏病患者存活下来。He played a cameo role, that of a young Aids patient in hospital.他扮演一个非常出彩的小角色:一名住院的年轻艾滋病患者。Tension headaches continue to be a scourge for millions.紧张性头痛依然在折磨着数以百万计的患者。The organization's aim is to link up people from all over the country who are suffering from the disease.该组织的目的是想把国内各地患有这种病的患者都联合起来。It is not the hospital's policy to disclose the names of patients.医院规定不能披露患者的姓名。Some anorexics admit that having anorexia makes them feel special.一些厌食症患者承认说得厌食症会让他们觉得很特别。Patients may suffer from some of the symptoms years before diagnosis.患者可能在诊断出疾病之前多年已出现其中一些病征。The patient rates the therapies on a scale of zero to ten.患者按十分制给这些治疗方法打分。The government has produced a Citizen's/Parents'/Patients' Charter.政府制定了一套公民/家长/患者权利章程。We, the patients, cannot pick and choose our doctors.作为患者,我们不能对医生挑挑拣拣。Haemophiliacs often get bleeds in their joints.血友病患者常常关节出血。The doctor was on a call when her patient came to the office.患者前来就诊时,这位医生正在出诊。The outlook for sufferers from this disease is bleak.这种疾病的患者希望渺茫。Joyce is among the tiny minority of arthritis sufferers who experience these symptoms.乔伊斯是极少数出现这种症状的关节炎患者之一。The treatment may bring short-term benefits to AIDS sufferers.这种疗法对艾滋病患者会有短期效果。 |