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例句 She was diagnosed with breast cancer.她被诊断出患有乳癌。If you have suffered from a serious medical condition, then you should consult your doctor about your fitness to travel.如果患有严重疾病,就应向医生咨询是否适合旅行。The patient was first diagnosed with malaria.患者开始被诊断患有疟疾。He suffers from severe mood swings.患有严重的情绪多变症。A lot of us suffer from psychiatric disorders such as mania and schizophrenia.我们许多人患有躁狂症和精神分裂症等精神疾病。Social phobics quake at the thought of meeting strangers.患有社交恐惧症的人一想到要见陌生人就发抖。I have been an asthmatic from childhood.我从小就患有哮喘。She suffers from hardening of the arteries.患有动脉硬化。As an asthmatic, he cannot cope with the heat and humidity.患有哮喘病,经不起高温和潮湿。She suffered from a chronic back ailment.患有慢性背部疼痛。He was suffering from shortness of breath.患有气急的毛病。Two hundred million people worldwide suffer from parasitic diseases.全世界有两亿人患有寄生虫病。She has an iron deficiency. 患有缺铁性贫血。I have a skin disorder, it destroys the pigmentation in my skin.患有一种皮肤病,破坏了我的天然肤色。Many children with mild disabilities are integrated in general education.许多患有轻度残疾的儿童纳入了普通教育。Freddie Mercury died only two days after making it public that he was suffering from AIDS.弗雷迪·墨丘利公开他患有艾滋病仅仅两天后就去世了。He appeared to be suffering from a severe mental disorder and had served a term in prison.他看上去患有严重的精神疾病,而且坐过牢。She had been suffering from mysterious fits for five years before the doctors diagnosed epilepsy.患有奇怪的痉挛五年后,被医生诊断为癫痫。She had a bad case of the baby blues.患有严重的产后抑郁症。He suffers from migraine.患有偏头痛。Several years ago, she was diagnosed as having Alzheimer's disease.几年前,她被诊断患有阿尔茨海默病。She suffers from a nervous disorder/condition.患有神经紊乱/神经疾病。Joe struggled in school before he was diagnosed as dyslexic.乔在学校里学习很吃力,后来被诊断出患有诵读困难症。She has a rare, incurable disease.患有一种罕见的疾病,无法治愈。He suffers from a heart condition.患有心脏病。A diagnosis of diabetes necessitates some dietary modifications.患有糖尿病就需要在饮食方面进行一些调整。He has Down's.患有唐氏综合征。I suffer from fluid retention.患有液体潴留症。He suffers from chronic asthma.患有慢性哮喘。She suffered from ulcerative colitis.患有溃疡性结肠炎。Pregnant women often get varicose veins.孕妇常患有静脉曲张。She suffers from periods of deep depression, when she locks herself away and will speak to no one for weeks.患有严重的阶段性抑郁症,发病时她会把自己关在屋内,一连几个星期不与别人说话。She was diagnosed as having clinical depression.她被诊断患有临床抑郁症。He suffers from chronic arthritis/pain.患有慢性关节炎/疼痛。The king was suffering from cardiac weakness.当时国王患有心脏衰弱。Her mother is a manic-depressive.她母亲患有躁狂抑郁症。I have been an asthmatic from childhood and was never able to play any sports.我从小就患有气喘病,参加不了任何体育活动。He had high blood pressure but was in otherwise perfect health.患有高血压,除此之外可以说身体十分健康。He suffered from diabetes and gastric ulcers.患有糖尿病和胃溃疡。Nicole has suffered since birth from impaired sight as a result of cerebral palsy.妮科尔患有脑瘫,一生下来就有视力障碍。




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