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词汇 恰到好处
例句 His manner was perfectly poised between gravity and teasing.他的言谈举止既不严肃,又非调侃,真是恰到好处Do you find his interpretation of Chopin entirely valid?你认为他对肖邦作品的演绎恰到好处吗?The cookies were browned to a nicety.小甜饼烘烤得恰到好处He built the company through a string of well-timed acquisitions.通过一系列时机恰到好处的并购,他建立了这家公司。She timed the shot perfectly.她的投篮时间把握得恰到好处No one article can ever do justice to the topic of fraud.没有哪一篇文章能把欺诈这一话题讲得恰到好处She has to work slowly and with great care in order to get the picture just right.她必须放慢速度、小心谨慎,从而把画画得恰到好处Her prose style is not always felicitous; she tends to repetition.她的散文风格并非总是恰到好处,往往爱重复。A halo of cloudy blonde hair swept becomingly around her face.金黄色的云鬓恰到好处地披散在她的脸庞周围。The timing of the move had been judged to a nicety.行动的时机判断得恰到好处The beef was cooked to perfection.牛肉煮得恰到好处Sachs has a sure hand with a felicitous phrase.萨克斯用词精当,恰到好处This discovery was a well-timed confirmation of Darwin's theory.这一发现是对达尔文理论时机恰到好处的证明。The style is a happy compromise between formal and informal.这种款式介于正式和休闲之间,恰到好处The beefsteak is done to a turn.牛排烧得恰到好处She struck the right note/tone with her speech. 她的演讲恰到好处The play had just enough buffoonery to keep our attention.这出戏里的插科打诨恰到好处,足以吸引住我们的注意力。The arguments are very finely balanced.论证恰到好处He punctuated his solemn remarks with a few well-chosen jokes.他在严肃的讲话中穿插了一些恰到好处的笑话。She included a few well-placed jokes in her lecture.她在演讲中恰到好处地穿插了一些笑话。The play is never quite interesting or gripping enough in the right places despite the considerable efforts of the actors.尽管演员们已尽了很大努力,但这部戏剧就是缺乏恰到好处的趣味或魅力。Proper paragraphing aids clarity of presentation.分段恰到好处可使论述更加清晰。Graphics are especially well handled in the book.本书中的图表处理得恰到好处When dealing with his staff, Mr Allen somehow managed to strike the right balance between being sympathetic and businesslike.在和员工打交道的时候,艾伦先生既有人情味,又显得精明务实,两者之间把握得恰到好处The golfer judged it well, timing the ball to perfection.高尔夫球手判断准确,击球时机拿捏得恰到好处This doubtless made for an impression of appropriately Olympian detachment.这无疑恰到好处地给人留下了一种庄重、超然的印象。The pasta was cooked to perfection.这道面食煮得恰到好处I think he had the balance of authority, discipline, and kid gloves just about right.我认为他在平衡权威、纪律以及圆通方面做得恰到好处Susie wore a close-fitting black dress which made the most of her figure.苏茜穿一条黑色紧身连衣裙,把她的身材衬托得恰到好处Her entrance was accompanied by suitably dramatic music.她进场时伴有激昂而恰到好处的音乐。His cream shirt contrasted beautifully with his tan skin.米黄色的衬衫恰到好处地反衬出他晒黑的皮肤。He evokes complex imagery with a single well-placed word.他只用一个恰到好处的词就唤起了复杂的意象。He has struck the right note by praising their work.恰到好处地表扬了他们的工作。He delivered the line perfectly, and everybody roared with laughter.那句台词他拿捏得恰到好处,引得众人哈哈大笑。Like the old trouper he is, he timed his entry to perfection.作为一名剧团老演员,他的上场时间把握得恰到好处The venison was roasted to a turn.鹿肉烧得恰到好处The movie hits just the right note with young audiences.这部电影恰到好处地迎合了年轻观众。This balance between tenderness and mischief would later characterize her comedy.这种对温柔和顽皮恰到好处的拿捏后来成为她喜剧风格的特点。A few choice words will do the trick.一些恰到好处的措辞就会达到效果。I love the way a good flirtation can enliven the most mundane situation.恰到好处的打情骂俏能够使最平淡无奇的时刻变得生动有趣起来,我很喜欢这种感觉。




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