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He said they all needed to work together to put the country on its feet again.他说他们都需要通力协作以使国家恢复元气。The kiss of life could be a concession on taxation powers for the Scottish Assembly.对苏格兰议会来说,可以在税收权利方面做出让步以恢复元气。You need someone to take the pressure off and help you get back on your feet.你需要有人为你分担压力,帮你恢复元气。As the weeks passed, Charlie began to gather strength.几周以后,查利逐渐开始恢复元气。It will cost billions of dollars to get the company back in shape. 要想使公司恢复元气需花费几十亿美元。Firms need a breathing space if they are to recover.各家公司需要短暂休整才能恢复元气。 |