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词汇 总裁
例句 The COE's resignation has not come at a good time for the company.行政总裁的辞职对公司来说很不是时候。She continued to find herself at odds with the chairman.她不断发现自己与总裁意见有分歧。Research and marketing operations will be Mr. Furlaud's job as president of the new company.作为新公司的总裁,弗劳德先生将负责研发和市场营销。The new president plans to make changes to the company's organization.新任总裁打算改变公司的组织结构。The president said that the company would not be held to ransom by strikes.总裁说公司不会被罢工者要挟。He enjoys an intimacy with the president.他与总裁过从甚密。The chairman of the bank believes in the personal touch and always sends a signed letter to each customer.这位银行总裁很重视人性化举措,总是给每个客户发一封亲笔签名信。She disliked the president, whom she once described as an "insufferable bore".她不喜欢总裁,曾经说他是个“令人难以忍受的讨厌家伙”。His role as president was carefully circumscribed by the board.他的总裁权力受到董事会的严格约束。The CEO slot is still vacant.行政总裁职位仍然空缺。The president was not present at the meeting.总裁没有出席这次会议。She wanted an apology from the president.她希望得到总裁的道歉。He will report to Greg Carr, Boston Technology's chief executive.他将向波士顿技术公司的总裁格雷格·卡尔负责。It is the chief executive's opinion which is ultimately decisive.总裁的意见具有最终的决定作用。The president and his followers were clearly in tune.总裁和他的支持者们显然步调一致。The president read a prepared statement.总裁读了一份事先写好的声明。She is employed by the president in an advisory capacity.她被总裁聘为顾问。She is slated to become the company's next president.她被选定为公司下一任总裁The president and I part company on some important issues.总裁和我在一些重要问题上意见不一。The president brazened out his misdeeds.总裁厚颜无耻地否认自己的恶行。He turned his back on the president in silent protest.他扭身背对总裁,以示无声的抗议。Iacocca rose from humble beginnings to become boss of Ford.亚科卡出身卑微,后来成了福特公司的总裁He slid into his impersonation of the president.他轻易地模仿起总裁来。The president used his veto to override the committee's decision.总裁利用手中的否决权推翻了委员会的决定。The new president tried to run the whole show himself.总裁想要一人独揽所有事务。The company's new president has changed many of the policies that were introduced by his predecessor. 公司的新总裁改变了前任总裁制定的许多政策。The president believed that his approach was the only one with any chance of success.总裁认为只有用他的方法才有可能成功。The CEO's salary is nearly double that of the president.首席执行官的薪水差不多是总裁的两倍。The president was an effective communicator.总裁是个有效的沟通者。The president was unwilling to accept limitations on his power.总裁不愿意接受权力上的限制。She worked her way up through the corporate hierarchy to become president.她在公司一步一步升到了总裁的位置。I had the rare/unique opportunity of speaking to the president.我得到了跟总裁对话的难得/唯一机会。I had done business with the company's chairman.我和那家公司的总裁有过生意往来。The company's new president is Mark Jones, late of Chicago.公司的新总裁是马克·琼斯,近期在芝加哥上班。The president had entered into fraudulent property transactions.总裁参与了欺诈性的房地产交易。The letter seems to imply that the president knew about the business deals.这封信似乎暗示总裁知道这几笔商业交易。The laboratory worker in a white overall turned out to be the president's daughter.那个穿白色罩衣的实验室工作人员原来是总裁的女儿。The new president has made some radical changes to the company.总裁对公司进行了几项彻底的变革。The new Chief Executive is whipping the company into shape and making it more competitive.新的总裁正在整顿公司,使其更具竞争力。His position gives him direct access to the president. 他的职务使他能够与总裁直接接触。




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