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We expect a few fireworks during the presidential debate.我们认为在总统竞选辩论中会有一些激烈的争论。He has not yet officially announced his candidacy for the presidential election.他尚未正式宣布参加总统竞选。A national poll shows the presidential race in a dead heat.一项全国民意调查显示总统竞选相持不下。The presidential race has become a political bloodbath.总统竞选已经变成了一场政治上的大拼杀。He has announced that he is running for the presidency.他已宣布参加总统竞选。He is lagging behind in the race for the presidency.他在总统竞选中处于下风。Without a doubt, taxation is going to be the key issue in the President's campaign.毫无疑问,征税问题将成为总统竞选活动中的焦点。An American presidential campaign lasts for eighteen months.美国总统竞选历时十八个月。Tax cuts have become a hot topic in this election campaign.减税成了这次总统竞选的热门话题。The presidential campaign got underway yesterday.总统竞选于昨天启动。She handled travel arrangements for the press corps during the presidential campaign.她负责了总统竞选活动期间新闻报道团的行程安排。People are watching this presidential race very carefully/closely.人们正在密切关注这次总统竞选。He knew he would not win the election, so he decided to bow out of the presidential race.他知道不会赢得选举,所以决定退出总统竞选。The senator has resisted repeated entreaties to run for president.那个参议员拒绝了让他参加总统竞选的多次请求。He is expected to announce for President tomorrow.预计明天他将宣布参加总统竞选。She has now withdrawn from the presidential contest.她已经退出总统竞选。Just as the presidential campaign was picking up steam, riots exploded in Los Angeles.正当总统竞选活动的声势日益壮大时,洛杉矶爆发了暴乱。How does this final presidential debate stack up and compare to the others, do you think?你认为这最后一次总统竞选辩论和其他几次相比怎么样?The party is betting that the presidential race will turn into a battle for younger voters.该党期待这次总统竞选变成一场争取年轻一代选民的斗争。Miller used the information to sabotage Gardner's presidential campaign.米勒用这则信息来故意破坏加德纳的总统竞选。His presidential campaign won endorsement from several celebrities.他参加总统竞选得到了一些社会名流的支持。He had projected himself as a reformer in the presidential campaign.他在总统竞选中曾以改革者的姿态出现。Coming up after the news, Dan Schorr discusses the state of the presidential campaign.新闻之后,丹·肖尔将带来对总统竞选活动的详细评述。Sources say that the governor has set the wheels in motion for a run for the presidency. 消息人士称州长已经开始筹备总统竞选之事了。Mr Forbes said tax reform would be a plank of his presidential campaign.福布斯先生称税制改革将是他总统竞选的重要政纲。She is expected to announce her candidacy for president.人们预计她会宣布参加总统竞选。The Senator has decided to run for president, and made his intentions known in a public statement Tuesday.该参议员决定参加总统竞选,并在星期二的一份公开声明中表明了这一意图。The postmortem on the presidential campaign is under way.正在对总统竞选活动进行反思。He registered as a Democrat about two weeks before announcing for the presidency.他登记为民主党候选人两周后宣布参加总统竞选。Most of the other Democratic candidates had already dropped out of the presidential race.其他的民主党候选人大部分已退出了总统竞选。She is likely to play a prominent part in the presidential campaign.她可能会在总统竞选活动中扮演一个重要的角色。Today he is formally announcing his candidacy for President.今天他将正式宣布参加总统竞选。There is a furious struggle going on between the two presidential candidates.两位总统竞选人之间进行着激烈的争斗。The publication of the senator's book was tied in to his announcement that he will run for president.在这位参议员宣布参加总统竞选之后,他的著作也配合着出版了。Bush ran for president on the Republican ticket.布什作为共和党的候选人参加了总统竞选。At the halfway stage of the campaign, Bush had the lead.在总统竞选的中期布什领先。He is an experienced journalist who has covered several presidential campaigns.他是位经验丰富的记者,报道过几届总统竞选。He's leading in the presidential race.他在总统竞选中领先。His inability to attract Southern voters is what finally did him in as a presidential candidate. 他因没能赢得南方选民的支持而在总统竞选中失败。He gave the inflation problem high billing in the presidential campaign.他在总统竞选中把通货膨胀问题列于重要地位。 |