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词汇 怨恨
例句 Everyone knows they hate each other, it's no secret.人人都知道他俩相互怨恨,这不是秘密。Spite is foreign to her nature.怨恨不合她的本性。She says she bears him no resentment for the way he treated her.她说,她并不怨恨他先前那么对待她。His feelings of resentment have festered for years.这些年来他的怨恨情绪越积越深。Hatred flared inside her.她心中顿生怨恨His criticism was so shrill that it provoked resentment.他的批评太尖刻,引起了怨恨His feelings of resentment have been suppressed for years.他的怨恨之情已经压抑了多年。He was full of bitterness after he lost his job.丢了工作后,他满肚子都是怨恨She'd suffered terribly over the years but it hadn't made her bitter.多年来她受尽了苦,可她并不怨恨In the end, the debate created a degree of rancor among the committee members.最后,这场争辩致使委员会成员之间产生了一定程度的怨恨He developed a malignant hatred for the land of his birth.他对自己的故土产生了强烈的怨恨It might be worth taking a long hard look at your frustrations and resentments.也许很有必要花一段时间冷静地审视自己的失意和怨恨She couldn't let go of her resentment over the divorce.她因离婚而产生的怨恨无法淡忘。I felt no resentment towards / toward him.我并不怨恨他。She resents her mother for being so tough on her.怨恨母亲对她太严厉。Nikko was already nursing a grudge against her because of what had happened this morning.因为早上发生的事,尼科已经对她心生怨恨He has a lot of pent-up aggression.他有许多被压抑的怨恨情绪。He is jealous and full of spite.他妒忌别人,满腹怨恨James was rather aggrieved at Cameron.詹姆斯相当怨恨卡梅伦。She felt all her old resentment flaring up.她感到她郁积已久的怨恨爆发了。She still has twinges of resentment about it.她对那件事仍感到阵阵的怨恨The resentments and the longings lingered.怨恨与热望仍堆在心头无法褪去。Much of the venom directed at the rail company would be more fairly directed at the government.许多对铁路公司的怨恨其实应该针对政府才更公平。David's brother told reporters that the family felt no animosity towards anyone over David's death.戴维的兄弟告诉记者说,对于戴维的死,他们家不怨恨任何人。This comment was doubly unfortunate for Bob as he lost friends and further antagonized enemies.这批评让鲍勃里外不是人,因为他既失去了朋友又招致敌人更多的怨恨He had many heartburnings with the committee.他对委员会有不少怨恨There was a strong current of malice in many of his portraits.他的许多肖像画中都透着一股强烈的怨恨He hated being single while his friends were pairing off and having kids.朋友们都成双结对并且有了孩子,他怨恨自己还是单身。Never had she met such spite and pettiness.她从未见过这样的怨恨和小肚鸡肠。The deputies were put in an invidious position.这些代表们陷入了招人怨恨的境地。I felt no hatred for him.我对他没有任何怨恨She was angry and full of spite.她很生气,心中充满了怨恨She spoke of him with venom in her voice.谈到他的时候,她声音里满是怨恨The feelings of hurt and resentment lingered on for years.伤痛与怨恨持续了多年。His behavior rankles with me still.他的行为仍然令我怨恨难消。His resentment toward her resurfaced.他对她的怨恨突然又冒了出来。Most of her venom was directed at the President.她的怨恨大部分都是针对总统的。I don't grudge her the opportunities she has been given.我不怨恨她得到了那些机会。Being blamed unfairly evokes feelings of humiliation, unfairness, anger, and resentment.受到不公平的指责使人感觉屈辱、不公、气愤和怨恨Bitterness gave his outlook a peculiar warp.怨恨使他的观点带有一种古怪的偏见。




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