例句 |
She's mellowed a lot since she retired.她退休以后性情温和多了。As a nation, they are gentle and peace-loving.该国民众性情温和、爱好和平。Mild-mannered Stanley morphs into a confident, grinning hero.性情温和的斯坦利变了,变成了一个充满信心、笑口常开的英雄。He's considerate and sweet-tempered but of a very nervous disposition.他待人体贴、性情温和,但是十分神经质。He has a mild, nonconfrontational nature.他性情温和,不冲撞他人。He was patient, self-controlled, and temperate in his habits.他向来有耐心,有自制力,而且性情温和。Mr Darby was a mild, nervous man who seemed to expect people to ignore him.达比先生是个性情温和而又神经质的人,他好像希望人们不去注意他。He's a sweet-natured guy.他是个性情温和的人。He is a temperate man.他是个性情温和的人。 |