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词汇 性子
例句 He fought to be patient with her.他竭力耐住性子对她。Even the wildest horse can be broken to the rein.即使性子最烈的野马也能驯得服从缰绳的指挥。He has a quick temper.性子很急。Each unruly cow was necked to a gentle one.每头性子野的牛都跟一头性子温驯的套在一起。Paul was a shy, solitary man.保罗是个性子腼腆、形单影只的人。She panders to his every whim.她完全由着他的性子At work they are at the whim of the boss.上班时他们要由着老板的性子The fiery right-wing leader toned down his militant statements after the meeting.那位性子暴烈的右翼领导人在会后把他的激进声明说得和软了些。He was a man who, despite a tendency towards idleness, never baulked at the prospect of hard work.他这个人虽然性子有些懒散,但面对艰苦的工作从不推诿回避。Mark does have a habit of allowing his temperament to get the better of him.马克的确经常由着自己的性子来。I felt like taking a sock at him, but I kept my temper.我想狠狠地揍他一顿,但我还是忍住了性子He immediately threw a tantrum, screaming and stomping up and down like a child.他立即耍起性子来,像小孩似的跺着脚又叫又跳。By the time the meal began, the youngest children were getting tired and crotchety.到开饭的时间,最小的孩子已经累了,耍起性子来。Sheila hoped that his sense of obligation to the Smiths would be a bridle on his temper.希拉希望他对于史密斯一家的责任感可以让他收收性子He was upset but kept his temper. 他很烦躁,但还是按捺住了性子没发脾气。Institutionalization was necessary when his wife became both blind and violent.他妻子眼睛瞎了,性子也变得狂暴起来,这时有必要把她送入精神病院了。He immediately threw a tantrum, screaming like a child.他立即耍起性子来,像小孩似的叫着。




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