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词汇 急促
例句 The best activities for stamina are fairly energetic; they need to get you slightly out of breath.最能够锻炼耐力的是那些需要一定体能、能让人呼吸稍感急促的活动。We were breathing really fast, and using the air up quickly.当时我们呼吸非常急促,很快就要把空气用完了。She was woken by a sharp rap on the door.她被一阵急促的敲门声惊醒。My breathing became shallow and quick as panic constricted my chest.由于惊慌而胸闷,我的呼吸变得急促了。Emily drew in her breath sharply.埃米莉急促地吸气。Mary Ann turned and rapped on Simon's door.玛莉·安转身急促地敲了敲西蒙家的门。The sick man's breaths were coming in gasps.病人急促地喘起气来。I was startled by a sharp rap on/against/at the window/door.一阵突如其来的急促敲窗/门声吓了我一跳。The pulse is faint and stringy.脉搏微弱而急促One of the soldiers gabbled something and pointed at the front door.其中一个士兵急促不清地说了些什么,然后指向了前门。She lit a cigarette with quick, jerky movements.她动作急促地点燃了一支香烟。Breathing becomes more rapid and sweating starts.呼吸变得更加急促并且开始流汗。The words were so gabbled that it was impossible to catch them.话说得那么急促使人无法听清楚。She was knitting with fast, jerky movements as if she were annoyed.她用急促的动作使劲儿打着毛衣,仿佛生气了。The doorbell began ringing insistently.门铃急促地响个不停。Someone knocked sharply on the window.有人急促地敲着窗户。The major rapped out his orders.少校大声急促地发布命令。She broke through the surface of the water and gasped for air.她钻出水面急促地喘气。She began to hear her own taut, shallow breathing.她开始听见自己急促、微弱的呼吸。I know nothing about boxing, but I could see he was unfit, because he was puffing.我对拳击一无所知,但我能看出他状态不佳,因为他在急促喘息。Carol rapped sharply on the window.卡罗尔急促地敲着窗户。He leaned against the railing, his breath coming in short gasps.他倚着栏杆,急促地喘着气。She walked briskly, with quick, short steps.她走路轻快,脚步急促The dying man's voice rattled in his throat.那个垂死者的喉咙里发出阵阵急促的声音。The American voice crackled in his ear.在他耳边响起了那美国人尖利而急促的声音。He was breathing rapidly.他呼吸很急促Hurried footsteps sounded on the stairs.楼梯上传来急促的脚步声。There was a sharp rap on the door.有人在急促地敲门。Suddenly there is a scurry of feet.突然有一阵急促的脚步声。The crickets chirped faster and louder.蟋蟀的鸣叫声更急促、更响亮。He was breathing in short gasps.急促地喘着气。The Chief Constable's clipped tones crackled over the telephone line.电话线那头噼噼啪啪传来警察局局长急促的声音。The platform rang with the hurrying feet of the belated travellers.月台上响起迟到旅客急促的脚步声。His breath was coming in gasps, and soon he could go no farther.急促地喘着气,很快就无法再往前走了。The commentator gabbled out the names of the football players.解说员急促地报出足球运动员们的姓名。He rapped at the door.急促地敲了敲门。He was getting sexually excited, and his breathing became short and fast.他变得性兴奋起来,呼吸越来越急促了。Mr Griffin made a jerky gesture.格里芬先生做了个急促的示意动作。There was a rap on the door.有人在急促地敲门。He listened to himself breathing in short gasps.他听着自己急促地喘气。




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