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词汇 怒不可遏
例句 They tried to stop me, but my blood was up.他们想拦着我,可我已是怒不可遏了。Animal rights supporters were incandescent with rage.动物权利保护者怒不可遏He was filled with an ungovernable rage.怒不可遏His glasses magnified his irritable glare.他那怒不可遏的眼神在眼镜片下显得愈发逼人。His secretary cocked up his travelling schedule and he's furious about it.他的秘书把他的出差行程排得乱七八糟,他怒不可遏She ran from the house in a terrible rage, her arms flailing in the air.怒不可遏地从房子里跑出来,手臂在空中乱挥乱打。He stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door furiously behind him.怒不可遏地把门猛地一摔,冲出了公寓。Just mentioning his ex-wife's name was like a red rag to a bull.只要提到他前妻的名字,他就会怒不可遏I am furious that it has taken so long to uncover what really happened.用了这么长时间才发现到底出了什么事,这让我怒不可遏She went berserk.怒不可遏He rose to his feet in a fury to leave no doubt about where he stood on the issue.怒不可遏地站起身来,这就清楚地表明了他在这个问题上的态度。His arrogance heated us beyond enduring.他的傲慢态度使我们怒不可遏I was furious that he went over my head and complained to my manager.他越级告到我的经理那儿去,让我怒不可遏The President was furious that the information had been leaked.因消息走漏,总统怒不可遏I was furious with/at them for printing the story.他们把这故事刊登出去了,我感到怒不可遏He is furious they are making huge profits out of the misery of young addicts.看到他们从年轻吸毒者的痛苦中榨取暴利,他怒不可遏His insults left her all worked up.他的侮辱使她怒不可遏She was so enraged that she could remain passive no longer.怒不可遏,再也不能顺服下去了。He bleated his objections in a helpless rage.怒不可遏地颤声表示反对。The Chelsea boss is furious with the Stoke defender for his X-rated challenge on Oscar.切尔西队的老板因为斯托克队防守队员阻截奥斯卡时粗野的铲球动作而怒不可遏He sat fuming over what he had just learned.他坐在那里对刚得知的事感到怒不可遏He became increasingly wrathful on the subject.在这个问题上他变得越来越怒不可遏He was boiling with rage at the unfairness of it all.他对这一切的不公平感到怒不可遏She was still furious over suggestions that she had lied to the public.她对那些暗示她欺骗公众的话仍然怒不可遏He glared at me, quite beside himself with rage.他瞪着我,怒不可遏Mitchell was furious and hung up on him.米切尔怒不可遏,挂断了他的电话。He was furious at this intervention from the press.他对来自新闻界的这次干预感到怒不可遏Thousands of people defied a curfew and took to the streets in a display of uncontrolled anger.成千上万怒不可遏的民众违抗宵禁禁令走上街头。It really burns me the way they treat us.他们这样对待我们,让我怒不可遏He growled with barely controlled fury.怒不可遏地嚷起来。She was positively apoplectic with anger/rage when she realized she had been cheated.当意识到被骗之后,她怒不可遏The whole third floor is furious.三楼全体住户怒不可遏Her supporters went on the warpath in response to her opponent's accusations.她的支持者们怒不可遏,开始回应她的对手对她的谴责。William was seized with uncontrollable rage.威廉怒不可遏He paced up and down in impotent rage.怒不可遏地踱来踱去。In her anger, she fairly screamed at him.怒不可遏,竟然对着他尖声叫骂。Whatever you do, don't mention his ex-wife. It's like a red rag to a bull.你干什么都可以,就是不要提他前妻,那会使他怒不可遏的。Something approaching a lynch mob has been gathering against the Chancellor for even daring to consider higher interest rates.怒不可遏的群众聚集起来,抗议财政大臣胆敢动提高利率的念头。




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