例句 |
Choose Christmassy colours such as red and green.挑选圣诞气氛浓的色彩,比如红的啦,绿的啦。As the festive season approaches, the occasional flurry of snow adds to the Christmassy feel.佳节将至,偶然的一阵飘雪使得圣诞气息更加浓厚。It looks very Christmassy in here with the tree and all the decorations.这棵树和所有这些装饰让这里看起来很有圣诞气氛。The house looks more Christmassy now that the decorations are up.房间装饰起来后就更具有圣诞节气氛了。It looked very Christmassy with lights on the trees.树上挂着灯,看起来很有圣诞节的气氛。I'd feel more Christmassy if it snowed.要是下场雪我觉得会更有圣诞节的气氛。 |