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词汇 Christmas Eve
例句 They were busy wrapping presents late on Christmas Eve.在平安夜深夜,他们忙着包装礼物。I never buy my gifts until Christmas Eve because I'm a procrastinator.我真是有拖延症,从来都是在圣诞前日才买礼物。Don't peek at your presents before Christmas Eve.不到圣诞节前夜不许偷看你们的礼物。Richard had turned up on Christmas Eve with Tony.理查德和托尼在圣诞夜一道露面了。The Daily Mirror broke the story on Christmas Eve.《每日镜报》在圣诞节前夕首次刊登了这篇报道。We spent Christmas Eve cooking and getting ready for Christmas Day.圣诞夜我们烹煮食物,为圣诞节作准备。Unfortunately, I've got to work on Christmas Eve.很可惜,圣诞夜我得工作。We'll see you on Christmas Eve.圣诞前夕我们来看你。They invited us over on Christmas Eve for mulled wine.他们请我们在平安夜过去喝热饮酒。




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