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词汇 忧心忡忡
例句 Residents grew anxious when they learned the new prison would be located in their backyard. 得知新监狱要建在他们的社区附近,居民们忧心忡忡Concerned parents have complained about the dangerous playground.忧心忡忡的家长们抱怨那个儿童游乐场太危险。There was much anxiety about the future of these theatres.人们对这些剧院的前途忧心忡忡Taylor was concerned at the slow progress of the investigations.泰勒对调查进展太慢忧心忡忡When she became worried, words of encouragement just fan the flames.当她忧心忡忡时,劝慰的话只会使她更加不安。I'm whittled to death about the future of the mining industry.我为采矿工业的前途忧心忡忡People are anxious about the future.人们对未来忧心忡忡But these are troubled times and many people fear for the future.但现在处于乱世,很多人对未来忧心忡忡My heart went out to the poor woman who was in such distress thinking she might have lost her children.那个可怜的女人为可能失去自己的孩子而忧心忡忡,我很同情她。The news was greeted with alarm by MPs.得知这个消息,议员们忧心忡忡What is being done to end the crisis which has preoccupied the country's political leadership?要采取什么措施来结束这场使国家领导人忧心忡忡的危机呢?Investors are antsy as stock prices continue to decline.随着股票价格持续下跌,投资者们变得忧心忡忡She worries a lot about crime.她为犯罪活动忧心忡忡He had to present a smiling face though heavy-hearted.虽然忧心忡忡,但他还得露出一副笑容。He lay awake all night worrying.他一夜未眠,忧心忡忡It's been a worrying few weeks for us all.这几个星期大家都忧心忡忡Reservoirs are drying up and farmers are worried.水库正在干涸,农民们为此忧心忡忡I'm worried and my work is beginning to suffer.忧心忡忡,工作开始受到影响。I was filled with misgiving about the future.我对未来忧心忡忡I've been out of my mind with worry.我一直忧心忡忡Rising tuition costs loom large in the minds of many parents.不断上涨的学费让许多家长忧心忡忡I viewed the process with grave misgivings.忧心忡忡地目睹了这一过程。What's wrong? You look awful.出什么事了?你看上去忧心忡忡的。I've been half sick with worry.我一直忧心忡忡She looked uneasy but promised to follow his advice.她看上去忧心忡忡,但还是答应听从他的劝告。She was disturbed to learn that her son was failing one of his classes.得知儿子有一门课不及格,她忧心忡忡Her thoughts circled darkly round Bernard's strange behaviour.她为伯纳德的古怪举动忧心忡忡The mother was filled with anxiety about her daughter's health.母亲为女儿的健康忧心忡忡They're very worried about this at headquarters.总部对此事忧心忡忡I was obsessed by my physical imperfections.我对自己的身体缺陷忧心忡忡Something he said at the meeting has been bothering me.他在会上说的话让我忧心忡忡Despite the scare there are no plans to withdraw the drug.尽管大家忧心忡忡,可是并无撤回药物的计划。Both parents and teachers are worried about the problems posed by drugs.父母和教师都对毒品带来的问题感到忧心忡忡Concerned people want to minimize the risk of developing cancer.忧心忡忡的人们希望尽可能降低罹患癌症的风险。They were in a real jam, Bob thought glumly.他们真是遇上麻烦了,鲍勃忧心忡忡地想。When you're waiting for an operation, you feel like there's a cloud hanging over you.等待手术的时候,会感觉忧心忡忡的。Conservationists in Chile are concerned over the effect of commercial exploitation of forests.商业化的森林开采所带来的影响让智利的自然资源保护者们忧心忡忡The mountaineers worried much about such improbabilities as earthquakes.登山者们为地震这类未必会发生的事而忧心忡忡Parents were left anxious, uninformed, and isolated.家长们忧心忡忡,不知道情况到底如何,感到孤立无援。Sibling rivalry often causes parents anxieties.手足之争常让父母忧心忡忡




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