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词汇 忘记
例句 He stuck down a few dates before he forgot.在他忘记这些日期之前他写了下来。She gave her parents unnecessary worry when she forgot to call them.忘记给父母打电话,引起他们不必要的担心。You forgot to turn the oven off!忘记关炉子了!I have a nagging/funny feeling that I've forgotten something.我有一种不安/奇怪的预感:自己忘记了什么东西。I knew that if I didn't make a note I would lose the thought so I asked to borrow a pen or pencil.我知道如果我不把这个想法记下来就会忘记,所以我找人借了支笔。Despite his wealth, he never forgot his humble roots.尽管很有钱,他却从没忘记自己卑微的出身。He forgot to collect his dry-cleaning on the way home.忘记在回家的路上取回干洗的衣物。I forgot their daughter's name. What must they think of me?忘记了他们女儿的名字。他们会怎么看我?She finds it impossible to shut out the memory of the accident.她发现自己不可能忘记那次事故。The excesses committed by the invaders will never be forgotten.人们永远不会忘记侵略军犯下的暴行。He forgot to renew his driver's license, so it lapsed.忘记更换驾照,因此驾照失效了。I was in the embarrassing position of having forgotten her name.当时我忘记了她的名字,很是尴尬。If I don't write his phone number down now, I'll forget it.现在如果我不把他的电话号码写下来,就会忘记的。How can I forget, with people sniggering behind my back?.我怎么会忘记呢?人们一直在我背后偷偷地笑话我。Blow it! I forgot to phone Jane.糟糕! 我忘记给简打电话了。I'll never forget the look in her eyes.我永远不会忘记她的眼神。She has wiped the entire conversation from her mind. 忘记了全部谈话内容。Intent upon her work, she didn't notice the cold.她专注于工作,忘记了寒冷。As time goes on, the child will forget his grief.随著时间的过去,孩子会忘记悲伤的。I forgot to have the milk and newspaper deliveries stopped.忘记把订的牛奶和报纸退了。He was never going to let her forget she was only here on sufferance.他决不会让她忘记她只是勉强获准留在这儿的。My watch has stopped - I must have forgotten to wind it.我的手表停了,我肯定是忘记上发条了。I might be home late, but I haven't forgotten that we're going out.我回家可能要晚了,可我没忘记我们要出去的事。Her new job had taken her mind off her family problems for a while.她的新工作使她有一段时间忘记了她的家庭问题。I leave my umbrella in a convenient spot by the door so I don't forget it on the way out.我把雨伞放在近门的方便处,这样出去时就不会忘记Sue was afraid that she had forgotten how to ride a bicycle.休担心她已经忘记如何骑自行车了。Be sure to close the gate to the drive when you leave.你离开的时候不要忘记把通向车道的门关上。If you were beaten by Jack, you'd never live it down.要是你被杰克打败的话,你就永远没法使人们忘记这个耻辱。She promised to come, but she's quite capable of forgetting.她答应要来,但她很有可能会忘记I remembered to lock the door.我没有忘记要锁门。She's left her briefcase. Quick! Run after her!忘记拿公文包了。快!追上她!She mislaid her keys in a fit of absentmindedness. 一时心不在焉,她忘记把钥匙放在哪里了。Time has erased the event from her memory. 时间让她忘记了那件事。Henry kept repeating her phone number to himself so he wouldn't forget it.亨利默默重复念着她的电话号码,以免忘记Whoever had to cue in the chorus forgot his part.负责给合唱队提示的人忘记了自己的职责。I forgot to put the return address on the envelope.忘记在信封上写寄信人地址了。She resolved that, if Mimi forgot this promise, she would remind her.她决定,如果米米忘记了这个承诺,她就提醒她。I'll send those off pronto, before I forget.我会立刻把那些东西寄走,以免忘记His own phone number would slip from his mind.他会把自己家的电话号码给忘记It even turns itself off should you forget.万一你忘记了,它也会自动关闭的。




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