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例句 You and your friends keep an eye out. If there's any trouble, we'll make a break for it.你和你的朋友们必须要警惕。一有麻烦,我们就逃。We must be especially careful where children are concerned.有关孩子的问题,我们必须要特别小心。A journalist has to be where the action is.记者必须要身临事件的现场。Powell wrote in the introduction that all the armed forces must work together as a team.鲍威尔在序言中写道,所有武装部队必须要作为一个团队协同行动。Did you have to cut your dissertation down?你的论文必须要缩短吗?There must be one set of laws for the whole of the country.整个国家必须要有一套统一的法律。In many countries, it is mandatory for a young man aged 18 to enlist in the army,在许多国家中,一个年轻男子到了十八岁就必须要去从军。The government's decision must wait on the committee's report. 政府必须要等委员会发布报告后才能做出决定。You have to consider the seriousness of the charges against you.必须要考虑这些针对你的指控的严重性。You'll have to be strong-minded if you're going to push the changes through.你想推进改革,就必须要意志坚定。Did you have to get through an entrance examination?必须要通过入学考试吗?To survive as an actor you need more than one string to your bow.作为一名演员如果要生存就必须要多才多艺。The government must be seen to be doing something about the rise in violent crime.政府必须要让大家注意到他们确实有采取行动对付暴力犯罪的增加。You have to be precise about the numbers.数字方面必须要准确。You must satisfy the residential qualifications to get a work permit.要想得到工作许可,你必须要符合居民资格。The team needs a result to go through to the semifinals.这支球队必须要赢得一场比赛才能打进半决赛。Elderly people are told that if they want to keep their minds nimble, they must use them.老年人被告知,要想保持头脑灵敏,就必须要多动脑。You'll have to compete with your betters.必须要和比你能力强的人竞争。Each team has to nominate a leader.每队必须要推荐一位队长。Both sides will have to sell the agreement to their people. It's here that the real test will come.双方都必须要让各自的民众接受这项协议。真正的考验就在这里。All the athletes had to provide a urine sample.所有运动员都必须要提供尿样。They'll have to balance the risks with the rewards. 他们必须要权衡一下风险和回报She'll have to be on her mettle to win this competition.必须要尽最大努力才能赢得这次比赛。Almost everything has been agreed. There is just one final point that needs to be settled.差不多每一件事都通过了,就还有最后一点必须要定下来。You are not under any obligation to stay. 你没有义务必须要留下。In order to get a job, you have to have a Social Security number.为了找工作,你必须要有一个社会保险号码。The author must keep the reader interested.作者必须要让读者有兴趣读下去。This is all presupposition - we must wait until we have some hard evidence.这都是假定——我们必须要等到有确凿的证据。We must prepare children to respond to the demands of work.我们必须要让孩子做好准备以适应工作的需求。This will cost money, but if social inclusion is to succeed, it must be spent.这会花钱,但如果社会融入工作要取得成功的话,这笔钱必须要花。The perpetrator of this crime must be traced.对这起案件的凶手必须要一查到底。My boss will have to check off on my decision.我的决定必须要得到老板认可。If you're going into teaching, energy is a necessary commodity.如果你要干教师这一行,必须要有充沛的精力。Your luggage must be weighed before it is put on the aircraft.你的行李在送上飞机之前必须要称重。Much that is included in them has appeared in other published works, and one must dig hard for reliable new material.它们中包括的许多内容在其他已发表作品中都出现过了,所以必须要深入挖掘以找到可靠的新材料。People's basic needs must be met.人们的基本需求必须要满足。A printer is clearly essential to such a task.显然,这一工作必须要有一台打印机。The tumor will have to be surgically removed.这个肿瘤必须要切除得很精准。He has to apply for a permit, and we have to find him a job.必须要申请工作许可证,我们得给他找份工作。The advertising industry has to know exactly what the man in the street is thinking.广告界必须要明确知道一般人心里所想。




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