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例句 Automobiles must make way for a fire engine.汽车必须给消防车让路。 To succeed, you must learn to overcome these obstacles.要想成功,你必须学会克服这些困难。We have to change the corporate structure to survive.我们必须改组公司以继续生存。We should be able to agree on priorities.我们必须在重点上达成一致。I felt morally compelled to help.我从道义上觉得必须提供帮助。He must study if he is to pass his exams. 他要想通过考试就必须学习。This rule allows of no exceptions.必须严格遵守这一规则,没有例外。Dogs must be vaccinated against distemper.必须接种犬瘟热疫苗。The company must be able to compete in the international marketplace.这家公司必须能够在国际市场上竞争。Their fears must be balanced against the need for change.必须将他们的畏惧心理与改变的必要性进行权衡。We have to try and achieve the quality standards set by the project.我们必须努力达到项目要求的质量标准。We have to keep information flowing within the company.我们必须保持信息在公司内部畅通无阻。Students must reach a sufficiently high standard to pass.学生必须达到足够高的水准才能通过。You have to terminate the program before the computer will shut down properly.必须先终止这个程序,电脑才能正常关闭。Voters must decide between the two candidates. 投票人必须在两位候选人中做出选择。The seal pup must be taken back to the sea directly she was able to fend for herself.一旦那只小海豹能独立生活,就必须把它放回到海里去。Hard hats must be worn on the construction site.在建筑工地必须戴安全帽。He doesn't like having to pay full price.他不喜欢必须付全价(而无优惠)。The children must learn to obey.孩子们必须学会服从。The treaty provides that, by the end of the century, the United States must have removed its bases.条约规定,到本世纪末,美国必须撤除其基地。To make the books balance, spending must fall and taxes must rise.为了使收支相等,必须减少支出,增加税收。In order to register a car in Japan, the owner must have somewhere to park it.在日本要登记一辆汽车,车主必须先要有车位。Consumers must be fully informed of the services available.必须让消费者全面了解所提供的服务。You have to create a niche market for your products.必须为你的产品创造出利基市场。Reservations are essential if you plan to eat there on a Saturday.如果你打算星期六在那儿用餐,就必须提前预订。We had to follow a complex sequence of movements.我们必须按顺序完成一连串的复杂动作。You must change down now.你现在必须放慢车速。This office's resources and staff would have to be increased to cope with the extra workload.要应付额外的工作,必须增加这个办公室的资源和人手。You have to show your passport at the border.在边境必须出示护照。We have to play up to Schrader if we're going to have any chance of getting invited to his party.如果我们想要获邀参加施拉德尔的宴会,就必须博得他的欢心。England has to win tonight's qualifying match to advance to the next round of the competition.英格兰队必须在今晚的资格赛中获胜才能进入下一轮比赛。Out on the course you must discipline yourself to let go of detailed theory.在高尔夫球场上,你必须训练自己做到不拘泥于细枝末节的理论。He knew he had to make a choice. 他知道他必须做出选择。Everyone has to show their identity cards at the entrance to the building.在大楼的入口,每个人都必须出示身份证。He must prove his worthiness to lead the country.必须证明自己能够领导这个国家。These investors feel the need to make quick profits.这些投资者觉得收益必须立竿见影。You just have to sit down and slog through long lists of new vocabulary.必须坐下来好好地啃一啃长长的新词汇表。The option must be exercised within five years.买卖选择权必须在五年之内行使。We must keep our armed forces in a constant state of readiness.我们必须使我们的武装力量处于时刻准备的状态。We must keep a careful eye on all our running costs.我们必须密切注意我们的经营费用。




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