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词汇 心肠
例句 She accused me of being unfeeling because I left the cinema dry-eyed.离开电影院时我没哭,于是她便说我心肠太硬。He may look tough, but he is really a softie at heart.他也许外表强硬,但其实心肠很软。She showed a ruthless determination to succeed in her career.她铁了心肠要获得事业上的成功。She's too softhearted to fire anyone.心肠太软,不会解雇任何人。We'll have to be ruthless if we want to eliminate unnecessary waste.如果我们要杜绝不必要的浪费,就得硬著心肠做。Daisy called her daffy, but good-hearted.黛西说她傻乎乎的,但是心肠很好。That Harriet is a cold-hearted bitch.那个哈丽雅特是个心肠冷酷的婊子。Ray wouldn't hurt a fly.心肠很软。What a good heart you have!你的心肠真好! Bleeding-heart politicians keep pandering to drug addicts and ignoring the rights of decent people.心肠太软的政客总是纵容瘾君子,而不顾正派人的权利。All of a sudden my heart hardened against her.突然间我对她硬起了心肠Daisy called her daffy, but goodhearted.黛西说她傻乎乎的,但心肠很好。He looks tough, but he's really very softhearted.他外表强硬,但其实心肠很软。




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