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词汇 心烦
例句 He's really annoying me.他真让我心烦The comment, together with her expression, suggested that she was very upset.那句评论以及她的表情都表明她十分心烦She's always moaning. It really gets on my nerves.她老是在呻吟,真令我心烦She was sensitive and easily upset.她很敏感,容易心烦Your constant complaining is really wearing on me.你没完没了的抱怨真让我心烦Why do they get so upset over such a trivial matter?他们为什么要为这种小事心烦呢?The child's screams jarred my nerves.那孩子的尖叫声使我心烦Don't get so upset about it!别为这件事这么心烦She really gets under my skin.她真使我心烦The argument was upsetting for us all - I don't want to talk about it.那场争论使我们大家都心烦——我不想再谈论了。Brady's really upset - his girlfriend's just dumped him.布拉迪心烦得很,他的女友刚刚抛弃了他。He was upset, even agitated.他很心烦,甚至可以说是烦躁不安。Don't start flinging accusations just because you're upset.不要仅仅因为你心烦就开始指责别人。It just annoyed me to hear him going on.听他唠叨实在让我心烦That noise was getting on her nerves.那噪音使她心烦Her comments didn't bother me overmuch.她的评论倒没让我太心烦The incident had left him visibly angry and upset.那起事件显然让他既恼火又心烦I only did it to bug my parents.我这么做只是为了让我父母心烦His behavior disturbs me.他的行为让我心烦He's so easygoing. Nothing seems to bother him.他悠闲得很。似乎任何事都不会让他心烦Don't get in a lather about something so unimportant.不要因小事心烦They were irritated by the sound of the dog barking.他们被狗的吠叫声搞得很心烦His mouth gave a twitch of annoyance.他的嘴由于心烦而抽搐了一下。I was bothered about the blister on my hand.手上起的水泡让我心烦Alan found the constant noise of the traffic an annoyance.不绝于耳的交通噪音让艾伦觉得心烦We are bitterly upset at what has happened.发生的事情让我们极为心烦It was not just the weather which oppressed her.让她心烦的不只是天气。The wasps were beginning to annoy me.黄蜂开始惹得我心烦I'd say it was pretty normal to be upset if your house burned down.我认为,如果房子烧毁了,心烦是很正常的。All this has upset me. I need time to digest it all.所以这些都让我心烦。我需要时间来慢慢接受这一切。Her sister-in-law's nose is a little out of joint.她嫂子有点儿心烦Please stop making that noise! It really gets on my nerves.请不要再发出那种噪声了!它吵得我很心烦The baby's crying is really bugging him.婴儿的哭闹实在让他心烦That noise gets on my nerves. Will you please turn down the volume?那声音吵得我心烦。请你把音量旋小点好吗? I don't think there's any reason to get excited about inflation.我觉得大可不必为通货膨胀而心烦Don't do anything to get him flustered.别做任何让他心烦的事。The news left me feeling a little shaky.这条消息使我有些心烦I hope I haven't distressed you with all these personal questions.我希望我问的这些私人问题没有让你心烦Something was niggling him.有些事情让他心烦I hope Emma isn't going to be there - she really gets on my nerves.我希望埃玛不会去—她实在令我心烦




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