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词汇 心灵的
例句 A drive through the countryside is balm for a weary soul.驱车乡间是对疲惫心灵的安慰。Books are food for the mind.书是心灵的食粮。Our store never sells books which pollute the mind.我们书店从不出售污染心灵的书籍。I didn't know what soundness of mind exactly consisted of.我不知道心灵的健全到底是由什么构成的。This is a deeply spiritual piece of music.这是一首能深深打动心灵的乐曲。The monks were arraigned for not teaching things spiritual.修道士们因不讲授有关心灵的道理而受到指责。Sublime music floats on a scented summer breeze to the spot where you lie on the lush grass.你躺在绿草如茵的草地上,涤荡心灵的乐声随着清香的夏日微风飘到你的身边。We went on a corporate/spiritual retreat.我们进行了一次全体/心灵的静修。Great literature is balsam to the soul.伟大的文学是心灵的慰藉。He desired me to inform her that he had made his peace with God.他想让我告诉她他已接受了上天的安排,获得了心灵的安宁。The monks were arraigned for teaching grammer rather than things spiritual.修道士们因为讲授语法不讲授有关心灵的道理而受到指责。I'm working on my spiritual growth/development. 我正努力使自己实现心灵的成长。They are all good boys with hearts of gold. They would never steal.他们都是有着金子般心灵的好孩子,绝不会干偷摸扒窃之事。Guilt is a canker that eats away at the soul.内疚是折磨心灵的祸患。Life coaches are the personal trainers of the soul.人生向导是心灵的私人教练。According to Aristotle, tragedies are cathartic because they can arouse pity and fear in the audience.根据亚里斯多德的说法,悲剧因为可以唤起观众的哀怜与恐惧,所以有净化心灵的作用。Our whole programme is spiritually oriented but not religious.我们的整个节目都是关注心灵的,但却不是宗教性的。




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