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词汇 心思
例句 She really went to town on the decorations for the party.她为聚会的装饰费尽了心思I often find myself nodding and smiling at my children without really paying them much attention.我经常发现自己虽然朝着孩子们点头微笑,但其实心思并不在他们身上。He felt too miserable and lethargic to get dressed.他心情低落,无精打采,完全没有心思穿衣整装。Like a mind reader, he could read their thoughts.像一个能读懂他人心思的人一样,他能理解他们的思想。She devoted herself to her students with undivided concentration and energy.她把全部的心思和精力都奉献给了自己的学生。I couldn't concentrate on my work - my mind was on other things.我无法集中精力工作——我的心思在别的事情上。Great care is taken to avoid overt disagreements within the group.为避免团体内部出现公开争执颇费了一番心思He used poor psychology on his employer.他不善于揣摸老板的心思It's as if you could read my mind.好像你能看穿我的心思Joe felt there was little he could do to help Betty, and his heart was pulling him elsewhere.乔感到帮不上贝蒂什么忙,他的心思在别的地方。She had been swept up in a relationship that had never had time to grow ordinary or stale.这段恋情尚未来得及趋于平淡,她已沉醉其中,再无心思顾及其他。She made a play for the job, but she didn't get it.她为得到那份工作挖空了心思,可是失败了。She often seems to know what I'm thinking, as though she can read my thoughts.她经常似乎知道我在想什么,好像她能读懂我的心思一样。Nobody was in the cue to dance.谁也没心思跳舞。She read his thoughts.她看出了他的心思She is wholly devoted to her children.她把心思全花在了孩子身上。He wanted us to focus our minds on unsolved problems.他要求我们把心思重点放到没解决的问题上。Yes, I'd love a coffee; you must've read my mind.是的,我想要一杯咖啡;你一定看出了我的心思New mothers can get very wrapped up in their baby without realising it.初为人母者很容易把心思全放在婴儿身上而浑然不觉。She decided it was pointless trying to work while her mind was on other things.她想清楚了,当自己心思在别的事情上时想要工作是无谓的。It isn't a subject to which I devote a great deal of thought.这不是个让我花费很多心思去思考的问题。Honestly, all you ever talk about is sex-you have a one-track mind!坦率地说,你张口闭口都是性 - 你就这一个心思Tell me what you want-I can't read your mind!告诉我你想要什么 - 我可猜不透你的心思Just remember to keep it innocent and not to feel her up.你只要记住心思单纯些,别对她动手动脚。His horizons didn't stretch beyond his next game.他的心思里只有下一场比赛。I felt like death warmed up and was not at all in the mood for fun.我感觉很不舒服,一点儿都没心思玩儿。His mind was wholly taken up with his work.他的心思完全放在工作上。His fancy played round the idea.他的心思老是丢不开那个念头。Everything he writes demonstrates the acuteness of his intelligence.从他的文笔可以看出他心思敏锐。His mind had been elsewhere, lost in meditation.心思在别的地方,陷入了沉思。Her heart was no longer in the campaign.她的心思已不在这场运动上了。His mind didn't seem to be on the game at all.他的心思好像根本不在比赛上。She couldn't pierce his thoughts.她看不透他的心思The students have put a huge amount of work into the scheme.学生在这个计划中投入了不少心思Usually at this time our thoughts are on Christmas.通常在这种时候,我们的心思全放在了圣诞节上。So much effort and planning, and it's all come to nothing.费了那么大劲儿,花了那么多心思,却一无所获。She was the only person who understood his mind.她是唯一懂他心思的人。It is given a typically thoughtful production with just enough theatrical fireworks.该剧在制作上一如既往地花费了心思,舞台演出效果也相当精彩。I'm not in a party mood.我没心思玩乐。My mind wasn't on what he was saying, so I missed half of it.我的心思没在他所说的话上,所以恐怕漏听了一半的内容。




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