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词汇 心平气和
例句 Perhaps they could sit down and discuss things in a civilised fashion.也许他们可以坐下来心平气和地商量事情。If you had remained calm the discussion might have been a lot more temperate.如果你始终沉着,这次讨论本来可以更为心平气和My voice surprised me; it was even and emotionless.我的声音听起来心平气和、不露一丝感情,这让我自己颇感惊讶。Once I knew I was forgiven I could be at peace with myself at last.一旦我知道自己得到了宽恕,便可以心平气和了。He spoke in a calm and gentle way. 他讲起话来心平气和OK, timeout, everyone, let's all quiet down and talk about this calmly.好了,大家不要争了,我们都冷静下来,心平气和地讨论这个问题。Let's try and discuss this in a calm and reasonable way.我们试着心平气和地来讨论这个问题吧。Let's find a time when you're not so busy, and talk about this calmly.等你不这么忙的时候,大家心平气和地谈谈这件事吧。Now, simmer down and let's talk this over quietly.且别激动,咱们心平气和地来好好谈谈这件事情。A good meal sweetened his temper.一顿好饭使他心平气和了。We were very adult about it. We discussed it rationally over a drink.在这件事上我们表现得很成熟。我们一边喝酒一边心平气和地谈了谈。In the end, the matter was resolved amicably最后,这件事心平气和地解决了。What the situation calls for is calm discussion – not sabre-rattling.这种局面要的是心平气和的讨论,而不是虚声恫吓。I merely enquired, without heat, whether she would be ready any time soon.我只是心平气和地问了一下她能否很快准备好。They had a temperate discussion.他们进行了一场心平气和的讨论。Let's try to have a calm discussion about your grades.我们尽量心平气和地讨论一下你的成绩吧。Could we just sit down and have a normal conversation without shouting?我们就坐下来心平气和地谈一谈,不要大叫大吵行不行?




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