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词汇 德里
例句 His work took him as far afield as Moscow and Delhi.他的工作使他跑到像莫斯科和德里这样远的地方。He found himself exchanging a staff job at GHQ in Delhi for another with the Indian State Forces.他发现自己从德里总司令部的参谋工作调到了印度国家部队的另一份参谋工作。Supporters of the policy are reported to be gathering in Delhi for a mass rally.据报道,这项政策的支持者将在德里举行大规模集会。Neither he nor his arch-rival, Giuseppe De Rita, won.他和他的死对头朱塞佩·德里察双双落败。He air-dashed to Delhi for specialist treatment for his injury.他乘飞机紧急赶往德里就其受伤部位接受专家治疗。New Delhi, with its elegant wide avenues and impressive government buildings, is a complete contrast with Old Delhi.德里有漂亮宽敞的林荫大道和宏伟的政府大楼,与旧德里形成鲜明的对比。Derry's manner can be forbidding.德里的态度有时会不太友善。Supporters of the policy are reported to be gathering in Delhi for a mass rally.有报道说这项政策的拥护者要齐聚德里召开群众集会。When I arrive Delhi I'll get in contact with him.我到达德里后会跟他联系。He sent a telex to the British High Commission in Delhi.他给德里的英国高级专员公署发了份电传。The flight was diverted to Delhi because of a bomb scare.由于受炸弹恐吓,这架班机转向去了德里机场。Is there a non-stop flight to Delhi?有直达德里的航班吗?The sights, sounds and smells of Delhi stunned me.德里的所见所闻让我震惊。Delhi is so old that many European cities actually look young beside it.德里非常古老,相比之下,许多欧洲城市就显得年轻了。He telexed the British High Commission in Delhi.他给驻德里的英国高级专员公署发了电传。Delillo's prose is studied, taut and masterful.德里罗的散文构思精巧、结构紧凑而且手法娴熟。




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