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词汇 choke
例句 It's on full choke and it still won't start.阻气门完全关闭,车还是启动不了。A courtroom lawyer must never choke up under pressure.律师上了法庭绝对不可以因压力大而无法应付。We would never choke down the insult.我们绝不会忍受这般侮辱。Joe took a bite of the steak and started to choke.乔咬了一口牛排就被噎住了。I managed to choke back my tears.我设法止住泪水。That bankroll would choke a horse.那笔资金数目极大。Chew your food well so you don't choke.吃东西时细嚼慢咽就不会噎着。The moderator could not choke her off.辩论会主持人无法使她住嘴。The smoke was beginning to choke her lungs.烟开始呛得她难以呼吸。It is feared that higher interest rates might choke off economic recovery.人们担心利率提高会抑制经济复苏。They warned the Chancellor that raising taxes in the Budget could choke off the recovery.他们警告财政大臣说,预算中税收的提高将阻碍经济复苏。Rising interest rates may choke off consumer spending.上涨的利率可能抑制消费性开支。The tariffs have put a choke hold on the economy.关税阻碍了经济的发展。She kept talking and nobody could choke her off.她说个不停,没人能阻止她。The coffee was almost too hot to swallow and made him choke for a moment.咖啡烫得几乎咽不下去,呛得他好一会儿喘不过气来。It's enough to make them choke with apoplectic rage.足以气得让他们说不出话来。He put the suspect in a choke hold. = He used/placed a choke hold on the suspect.他掐住了嫌疑犯的脖子。Weeds can quickly choke delicate garden plants.野草很快就会使娇弱的园林植物枯死。The fumes from the fire made her choke.火冒出的烟呛得她难以呼吸。Raising taxes could choke off the recovery.提高税额会抑制复苏。Don't choke up so far on the bat.球棒别握在太当中。She did not like the food but she managed to choke it down.她不喜欢那些食物,但还是勉强吞咽了下去。Kempton made an inarticulate noise at the back of his throat as if he were about to choke.肯普顿嗓子眼里发出含混的声音,仿佛他要窒息了。The fish bone in her throat made her choke.她喉咙中的鱼骨使她哽噎。The weeds quickly choke less robust plants.野草很快就覆没了弱小的植物而使其枯萎。Gail tried to choke down the urge to hit him.盖尔试图忍住揍他的冲动。A small child could choke on the doll's hair.洋娃娃的头发可能会让小孩窒息。The authorities have been grappling with the problem for a decade, but cars still choke the streets in the rush hour.当局十年来一直在努力解决该问题,但在高峰时间汽车仍堵塞街道。The coffee was almost too hot to swallow and made him choke for a moment.咖啡烫得几乎咽不下去,呛了他好一阵子。She struggled to choke back her anger as she listened to their criticisms.她强忍着怒火听他们的批评。They conspire to tickle your ribs and give you the occasional choke.他们会凑在一起设法逗你笑,叫你笑得一时透不过气来。The state has a choke hold on the city's finances.政府束缚了这座城市的经济发展。She gave a little choke of laughter.她轻声地扑哧一笑。The meal was overcooked, but I managed to choke down a few bites.饭煮过了头,但我还是强忍着吃了几口。The choke point was overcoming the social issues.难办的是要克服社会问题。Emma managed to choke down a banana.埃玛硬咽下一根香蕉。Attempts have been made to choke off debate on the issue.有人试图阻止大家对这个问题的讨论。Charlie wanted to take Herrick by the throat and choke him to death.查理想扼住赫里克的喉咙把他掐死。




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