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词汇 很惊讶
例句 I was frankly astonished at the degree to which different singers can affect the interpretation of a song.我真的很惊讶,不同歌手对同一首歌的诠释的影响竟是如此不同。They seemed very surprised to see us.见到我们,他们似乎很惊讶I was surprised by his acquiescence to their demands.他默许了他们的要求我感到很惊讶I was surprised at the easiness of the examination.考试这么容易我很惊讶She sat up and took notice when she heard he was getting married.她听说他要结婚时,显得很惊讶She spoke with a violence that surprised them both.她言辞激烈,令他们俩都很惊讶The question caught him by surprise.这个问题让他很惊讶We were surprised by his hesitancy about accepting the job.他对接受这份工作显得犹豫,这让我们很惊讶I was amazed to learn she was still writing her stories.得知她仍然在写自己的小说,我感到很惊讶To everyone's astonishment, more than 100 people volunteered to help that day.那天有一百多人主动来帮忙,大家都很惊讶We were surprised by the cool reception we got.我们对受到的冷遇感到很惊讶I'm astonished that you could behave so selfishly.很惊讶你竟然会如此自私。I'm amazed that no one noticed the error.很惊讶竟然没有人注意到这个错误。Diana's reaction surprised him - he hadn't realized that she was so upset.黛安娜的反应让他很惊讶—他没想到她会这么生气。She was surprised at the reaction brought by the mention of his name.提到他的名字后产生的反应使她很惊讶I marvelled at her tremendous achievements.我对她的非常成就感到很惊讶I was amazed when I got a bullseye.当我命中靶心时,我很惊讶She seemed surprised when several people laughed.当一些人大笑时她似乎很惊讶We were shocked by the announcement that the mayor was resigning.市长辞职的公告让我们很惊讶You're amazed that anyone still laughs at these corny old jokes.你会很惊讶,竟然还有人为这些老套的笑话发笑。I'm amazed that you haven't told him anything yet.很惊讶你还什么都没有告诉他。People are surprised by what an unpretentious, down-to-earth guy he really is.他实际上是一个谦逊务实的人,这令人们都很惊讶He said most of the cast was amazed by the play's success.他说剧组的大部分演员对该剧的成功感到很惊讶He looked momentarily startled.有片刻的时间,他看上去很惊讶I was surprised by the angry tenor of her letter.她信中愤怒的语气让我感到很惊讶I was amazed at Sam's lack of inhibition about singing in public.萨姆在大庭广众之下无拘无束地唱歌,这让我感到很惊讶I'll be surprised if he gets here on time.如果他及时赶到这儿,我会感到很惊讶We all wonder you're still alive.我们都很惊讶你居然还活着。Machiko looked at me with genuine surprise - "Are you really going?" she said.町子真的很惊讶,她看着我问道:“你果真要走吗?”He surprised all the doctors by lingering on for several weeks.他拖了几个星期才去世,让所有的医生都很惊讶Madge couldn't get over how much Joe had grown since she'd last seen him.玛奇自从上一回见到乔以后,他现在已经长这么大了,她对此感到很惊讶I hadn't seen her for five years and I was amazed at how tall she was.我有五年没见到她,她长得这么高让我很惊讶I'm amazed that she keeps so cheerful.很惊讶她还能如此快乐。I was blindsided by his suggestion.我对他的建议感到很惊讶I was surprised to see how much better she was looking.看到她变得漂亮多了我很惊讶Chang seemed surprised to find the big living-room empty.张看到偌大的客厅里空无一人,似乎很惊讶There was a look of real astonishment on her face.她显得真的很惊讶The results are quite astounding.结果令人很惊讶The nurses were amazed at her tenacious hold on life.她如此顽强地活了下来,使护士们很惊讶She bowled over the judges with her excellent performance.她出色的表现让裁判们很惊讶




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