例句 |
He was a sickly child with a bad chest and a permanent cough.他是个多病的孩子,肺部很弱,咳嗽不断。He has very little vision in the left eye.他左眼的视力很弱。Her breathing became faint.她的呼吸变得很弱。The child had a weak constitution and was always ill.这孩子体质很弱,总是生病。Until the beating, Cantanco's eyesight had been weak, but adequate.挨打前坎坦科的视力就一直很弱,不过也还勉强看得见。She was weak from shock.由于休克,她身体很弱。At that point our troops were too weak to hold them off.我军在那个时候很弱,抵挡不住他们。She checked his vital signs and found that his pulse was slow.她检查了他的生命体征,发现他脉搏很弱。She has a tenuous grip on reality.她把握现实的能力很弱。Britain's manufacturing base was weak and deteriorating.英国的制造业基础很弱,而且每况愈下。 |