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词汇 很不舒服
例句 Wool is so scratchy that it irritates the skin.毛料衣服太扎人,令皮肤很不舒服Her high-pitched voice rasped on my ear.她音调很尖,听起来很不舒服The violent motion of the ship upset his stomach.船的剧烈摇晃使他的胃很不舒服Having a root canal stinks.做牙根管手术很不舒服The children wriggled uncomfortably in their seats.孩子们在座位上很不舒服,扭来扭去。I think I must be coming down with flu - I've been feeling wretched all day.我觉得我准是得流感了——我一整天都很不舒服The winters here are bad, but they have nothing on the winters I remember when I was a child. 这里的冬天很不舒服,但在我的记忆中儿时的冬天比这更糟。I wasn't actually sick but I felt lousy.我倒没生病,只是感觉很不舒服He writhed his body in great discomfort.他感到很不舒服而扭动身体。She must have eaten something bad because she was really sick in the night.她肯定吃了什么变质的东西了,因为她夜里很不舒服The waiter had an excessively subservient manner that made us very uncomfortable.服务员的态度过于恭顺,使我们感到很不舒服Juliet felt grim through the early months of her pregnancy.怀孕的头几个月,朱丽叶感觉很不舒服I feel lousy - I'm going home.我感觉很不舒服——想回家去。I'm feeling too rough to go out tonight.今天晚上我感觉很不舒服,不想出去。They were sitting in a very uncomfortable position.他们坐的姿势很不舒服I've been feeling like hell all week.我整整一星期都感到很不舒服Miss Cartwright looks very poorly.卡特赖特小姐看上去很不舒服Some audience members were discomforted by the graphic violence.有些观众看了这种生动逼真的暴力行为感到很不舒服I felt like death warmed up and was not at all in the mood for fun.我感觉很不舒服,一点儿都没心思玩儿。I spent a very uncomfortable evening at the concert sandwiched between two very large ladies.听音乐会时,我被挤在两个大块头女士中间,整个晚上都很不舒服My head this morning is nobody's business.今晨我的头很不舒服I'm not feeling myself today.我今天感觉很不舒服The bright light bothered her eyes.强光让她眼睛很不舒服I felt terrible last night but I feel fine this morning.我昨晚感觉很不舒服,但今天早上就好了。She's not herself today.她今天感觉很不舒服The child made a pig of himself at dinner and now feels very sick.那孩子在晚餐时吃得太多,现在感到很不舒服I was overcome by waves of nausea.一阵阵的恶心使我很不舒服Could you try to keep the noise down? I've got a hangover.你能不能小点声?我宿醉很不舒服He awoke to find himself lying uncomfortably on a pile of firewood.他醒来发现自己躺在一堆柴火上,很不舒服My hotel room was small, airless, and uncomfortable.我住的宾馆房间既狭小又憋闷,住着很不舒服The furniture was stiff and uncomfortable.家具硬邦邦的,很不舒服Long silences make her uncomfortable.长时间的沉默让她很不舒服These chairs may look good, but they're very uncomfortable to sit on.这些椅子看上去也许还可以,但坐在上面却很不舒服The shoes look great, but they're the devil to walk in. 这双鞋看起来很不错,但是穿起来却很不舒服I woke up this morning feeling terrible. 我今早醒来时感觉很不舒服She said she had a sore throat and was feeling awful.她说她喉咙痛,很不舒服Something I ate last night really made me sick.我昨晚吃的一样东西让我很不舒服I didn't have much discomfort after the operation.手术后我并未觉得很不舒服They felt ghastly after the party.晚会结束后,他们觉得身体很不舒服He lay in an uncomfortable position.他那样躺法很不舒服




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