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词汇 形式
例句 It's important to learn all the forms of a verb.学会一个动词的所有形式很重要。We've discussed the unusual form of the book - now, what about the content?我们已经讨论了这本书与众不同的形式——现在,谈谈它的内容怎么样?The company offered a carrot in the form of additional vacation time to workers who met their deadlines.公司以额外休假的形式奖励如期完成任务的员工。It was performed entirely in mime.它完全是以哑剧形式表演的。I detest any form of cruelty toward animals.我痛恨以任何形式虐待动物。The society had its early beginnings in discussion groups.这个协会是以讨论小组的形式发端的。Picasso's forms and colours draw out certain emotions in the viewer.毕加索作品的形式和色彩会激发观赏者的某几种感情。These ideas are still used today, though in a slightly modified form.这些构想如今仍在采用,只是形式稍有些变化。Pupils presented a mime and puppet show.学生们奉献了一台哑剧形式的木偶戏。I plan out an essay in note form before writing it up in continuous prose.我先大致写个文章的大纲,再以散文的形式写出来。The model depicts the project in miniature.这个模型以微缩形式展现这项工程。Young children tend to welcome some form of routine.小孩子们倾向于接受某种常规的形式He cast the story in the form of a diary.他以日记形式编排这个故事。Households accumulate wealth in a variety of ways.家庭以各种各样的形式积累财富。The turkeys are marketed ready-to-cook.火鸡是以即可烹调的形式销售的。The story is told in pictures.这个故事是以图画的形式讲述的。Punishments such as branding, castration and other forms of mutilation were restricted but not abolished.烙印、宫刑以及其他形式的致残性惩罚受到了限制,但尚未废除。The front page features a warning about the dangers of drugs.报纸的头版以专栏形式对毒品的种种危害发出警告。The whole of the banquet scene is mimed.整个宴会的场景是以哑剧的形式表演的。It featured a solo dance in which a woman in a short overall mimed a lot of dainty housework.它的亮点是一段独舞,一名身穿短罩衫的女子以哑剧形式优雅地表演了许多做家务的动作。A household radiator absorbs energy in the form of electric current and releases it in the form of heat.家用取暖器吸收电流能量,再以热量的形式释放出来。It was the common form of treatment at the time and enjoyed moderate success.这是当时常见的治疗形式,且有一定成效。There are so many variant spellings of his name.他的名字有很多不同的拼写形式A new spirit is inbreathed into the old forms.新的精神被注入旧的形式The police will not tolerate disorder of any kind on our streets.警方不会容许大街上有任何形式的骚乱。Keep the document simple and avoid getting bogged down by complicated formatting.保持这份文件简洁,防止被复杂的形式所妨碍。Butane can be conveniently stored as a liquid in a can.丁烷可以液态的形式方便地储存在罐中。It's a mere formality.这只不过是个形式In future, prisoners must serve at least half of their sentence before qualifying for any type of early release.自现在起,囚犯必须至少服满其刑期的一半才有资格获得任何形式的提前释放。The form of good literature is not separable from the content.好的文学作品的形式与内容密不可分。They presented their proposals to the committee as a package deal.他们以一揽子计划的形式向委员会提出了自己的建议。We're opposed in principle to any form of capital punishment.我们原则上反对任何形式的死刑。A debate is raging about what form pensions should take.对于应该采用何种养老金形式,一场辩论正在激烈地进行。The script is massaged into final form.这篇稿子经过修改已成定稿形式There is absolutely no reason for consumers to be panicking in any way, shape or form.顾客们绝对没有理由产生任何形式的恐慌。Walking is one form of locomotion.走步是一种运动形式Other spellings of the word are cross-referenced to this spelling in small capitals.此词的其他拼写形式以互见方式被指引到用小号大写字母印刷的这种拼写形式上来。The skill of writing grew out of a wish to put speech into a permanent form.书写技术来源于赋予语言以永久形式的愿望。The clause of comparison is often elliptic.比较从句常用省略形式Light, heat and sound travel in waves.光、热和声以波的形式传播。




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