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例句 The antique dealer had tried to palm the painting off as an original.这位古董商曾试图把这幅画当成原作骗卖出去。Her friends made me feel welcome and treated me as one of the gang.她的朋友很欢迎我,把我当成他们中的一员。Women are viewed as sex objects and exploited to sell products.女性被当成性吸引工具利用以达到销售商品的目的。Most of his contemporaries regarded him as a mere eccentric.他那个时代大多数的人都只把他当成怪人。She considered them her surrogate family.她把他们当成自己的亲人。One of the problems with relationships is that after a while you just take each other for granted.恋爱中会遇到的一个问题是,相处一段时间后,双方就都把对方为自己所做的一切当成理所当然。She sees him as a friend and nothing else.她只把他当成朋友,没有别的。He totally ignored my advice.他把我的建议全当成了耳边风。Ruth made it her business to get to know the customers.露丝把了解顾客当成了自己的职责。She's sick of being seen as a sex symbol and wants to be taken seriously as an actress.她讨厌被人当成性感偶像,想让人认真地把她当成女演员。Women were burned as witches in the Middle Ages.中世纪时期,女人被当成巫婆烧死。She was concerned that I thought she was either nuts or an ice-cream addict.苏是担心我将她当成一个疯子或贪吃冰淇淋上瘾的人。He not only wants to be taken seriously as a musician, but as a poet too.他不仅希望被人当成一个真正的音乐家,还希望被看成一个诗人。He collects postcards as a hobby.他把收集明信片当成业余爱好。Police are treating both fires as suspicious.警方将两起火灾当成可疑事件处理。During dinner the confusion was cleared up: they had mistaken me for Kenny.吃晚饭时疑惑消除了:原来他们把我当成肯尼了。The toads have settled in and accepted the pond as a good spawning ground.蟾蜍已经在这个池塘里住下来了,把这里当成了理想的产卵地。I'd built him up in my head as being the love of my life.我已经在心中把他当成我一生的挚爱。It is doubtful whether Ted, even with his fluent French, passed for one of the locals.尽管特德能说一口流利的法语,但他是否会被当成当地人仍值得怀疑。She has made Switzerland her home.她把瑞士当成自己的家乡。The other children regarded him as an intruder.其他孩子把他当成不受欢迎的外人。The tabloids often pawn off gossip and trivia as real news.通俗小报经常把闲言碎语和鸡毛蒜皮之事当成真正的新闻刊登出来。She was treated as an honoured / honored guest.她被当成贵客款待。They're treating it like a game, a novelty. That's got to stop.他们把这件事当成了一个游戏,觉得很新鲜。不能再那样下去了。I think of you guys as my family.我把你们大伙儿都当成我的家人。I wasn't sure whether to treat her words as a jest.我吃不准是否该把她的话当成玩笑。We try to treat our students as individuals.我们力图把学生当成独立的个体来对待。Other students regarded him as a freak.其他学生把他当成怪物。Pornography is often an example of the objectification of women by men.淫秽作品是男人将女性当成玩物的一个例证。The organization was used as a front for drug trafficking.该组织被当成幌子掩护毒品走私活动。Oh, you're not Jill. Excuse me. I took you for an old friend of mine.哦,你不是吉尔。对不起,我把你当成我的一个老朋友了。She had brought him up as if he were her own son.她把他当成自己的亲生儿子抚养成人。Even doctors may look on these patients as drug addicts and treat them as social outcasts.甚至连医生都可能把这些病人看作是吸毒者,并把他们当成被社会遗弃的人来对待。Now that he's a writer, he regards his difficult childhood experiences as grist for the mill. 现在他成了作家,把儿时的苦难经历当成了自己的写作素材。This is regarded as the crucial factor in deciding who should get priority.这被当成是决定谁有优先权的关键因素。They bring their tents and treat it like a scout jamboree.他们带上自己的帐篷,把它当成一个童子军大集会。Treating popular entertainment as the avenue for debate on political issues encourages both politicians and entertainers to oversimplify.将大众娱乐节目当成讨论政治问题的手段,是鼓励政治家和艺人将问题过于简单化。Unfortunately the public conflated fiction with reality and made her into a saint.不幸的是,公众把小说和现实混为一谈,把她当成了圣徒。I am a football supporter and I have to often explain that I'm not one of the hooligan sort because we'll all get tarred with the same brush when there's trouble.我是足球迷,经常要解释我不是那种足球流氓,因为一旦出事,我们就会被当成是一路货色。Roland sometimes saw me as a shoulder to cry on.罗兰有时把我当成倾诉的对象。




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