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词汇 当天
例句 You could go there and back in a day easily.你可以很轻松地当天来回。People who make mistakes can be given the sack the same day.一犯错误可能当天就会被开除。At the end of the program, the announcer recapped the day's news.节目最后,播音员扼要重述了当天的新闻。She was able to get her watch repaired the same day.她的手表当天就修好了。We were given a printed sheet showing the order of events for the day.我们获发一张节目单,上面印有当天活动的顺序安排。Half-price tickets will be sold on the day.半价票将于当天出售。On the store's opening day, the manager gave out hats, small toys, and other freebies.商店开业当天,经理发放了帽子、小玩具和其他赠品。Can you go there and back in one day?你能当天往返吗? What with one thing and another, it was fairly late in the day when we returned to Shrewsbury.由于各种原因耽搁,我们当天很晚的时候才返回什鲁斯伯里。We were given a programme showing the order of events for the day.我们拿到了一个节目表,上面有当天活动的安排顺序。On the Fourth of July, my husband and our friends drove into the city to see the fireworks.国庆日当天,我丈夫和我们的一些朋友开车进城去看焰火表演。With painful clarity she remembered the day he had died.她真切地回想起他去世当天的情景,痛不欲生。Her enthusiastic speech set the tone for the day's conference.她热情洋溢的演讲为当天的会议定下了基调。Thanks to supersonic travel, busy executives can attend meetings in New York and be back in London the same day.全靠超音速旅行,事务繁忙的管理人员能去纽约参加会议,并于当天回到伦敦。She told us a killing story about her wedding day.她给我们讲了她婚礼当天一件非常滑稽的事。Whether we win or not depends on which players are healthy on the day.我们能否获胜取决于比赛当天有哪几名球员状态良好。Catholics are supposed to abstain from meat on Good Friday.天主教徒在受难日当天要禁肉。Blue chip issues were sharply higher, but the rest of the market actually declined slightly by the end of the day.蓝筹股一路飙升,但股市其他股票却在当天收盘时稍有走低。The fishermen were disappointed with their catch that day.渔夫们不满意当天的收获。The chicken was very tough, as though it had not been freshly cooked that day.鸡肉非常老,好像不是当天新鲜烧的。Ferry schedules and precise timings are subject to weather conditions on the day of departure.渡轮时刻表和准确时间要由出发当天的天气决定。His comments appeared to contradict remarks made earlier in the day by the chairman.他的意见似乎和当天早些时候主席所说的相矛盾。The scandal became the primary focus of the day's news coverage.这桩丑闻成了当天新闻报道的中心话题。This product may be frozen. If required, freeze on day of purchase.本产品可冷冻。如有必要,请在购买当天冷冻。If I can't be home for Christmas, phoning you on the day is the next best thing.如果圣诞节我回不了家,就退而求其次当天给你打个电话。It was rotten luck to be sick on the day of the interview.面试当天生病,真倒霉。Reservations are advised but you might conceivably find a hotel the day you arrive.建议预订房间,但你抵达当天也许能找到有空房的旅馆。The store will be closed on Boxing Day.本店节礼日当天关门。He drove there and back in one day.他开车去那里,当天返回。The school sports field swarmed with clean-limbed young people eager for the day's events.学校操场上到处是健康活泼的年轻人,都热切期盼着当天的活动。An ambulance chaser contacted her the day she was injured and persuaded her to sue the city council for negligence.她受伤的当天,就有一个冷血讼棍律师联系到她,劝她起诉市政务委员会失职。Your ticket is valid for travel at any time of the day.你的票当天乘车有效。The biggest story of the day was the signing of the peace agreement.当天最大的新闻是和平协议的签订。You caught the flu on your birthday? That's the pits! 你生日当天得了流感?那太糟了!When he finished his work for the day, he was off home like greased lightning.当天的工作一做完,便一溜烟地回家了。Everything he dictated was signed and sent out the same day.他口授的所有内容都签上名在当天寄出了。The Queen was late for her first official engagement of the day.女王当天第一次正式公开露面迟到了。Tickets booked online for the same day will be charged at the full walk-up price.当天网上订购的票价为全价,跟临时购买的价格一样。When day broke, they gathered by a conduit.当天刚破晓时,他们聚集在喷泉旁。She was jilted at the altar. 她在婚礼当天被对方抛弃。




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