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词汇 当地居民
例句 The local people's claims for compensation from the chemical factory have so far been ignored.当地居民要求化工厂作出赔偿,但至今仍没有得到受理。Loud frogs are disturbing the sleep of local home owners.高声鸣叫的青蛙妨碍了当地居民的睡眠。The plan has had a somewhat mixed reception from local people.当地居民对这一计划反响不一。Farms in the area grow food mostly for local consumption. 这一地区农场种植的粮食主要供当地居民食用。Local residents think that the new shopping centre is one of the ugliest buildings in the city.当地居民认为新落成的购物中心是城里最丑陋的建筑之一。Local residents have been blowing hot and cold on the question of whether to build a new school.当地居民对是否应该建立一所新学校的问题犹豫不决。The plan to build a new nursery school was blocked by local residents.建新幼儿园的计划受到了当地居民的阻挠。Local residents are protesting about the new road.当地居民抗议修建这条新道路。Plans for a new school were strongly supported by local residents.建造一所新学校的方案得到了当地居民的大力支持。Local residents have vowed to fight plans to build a new road.当地居民发誓要与修筑新道路的计划作斗争。Many local residents have objected to the scheme.许多当地居民反对这项计划。Questions from local residents remained unanswered.当地居民提出的问题仍然没有得到答复。The construction company decides to move heavy caterpillars into the worksite, an act which creates a lot of cacophonies for the residents.营造公司决定将大型机具移至工地,造成了对当地居民的许多噪音。The project caused considerable disturbance to local residents.这个工程项目给当地居民造成相当大的干扰。To many local people these castles represent a hundred years of foreign domination.对许多当地居民说来,这些城堡是百年外国统治的象征。The scandal set off a wave of anger among local residents.这一丑闻在当地居民中激起了一阵阵愤怒之情。London's fogs used to be a plague to residents.伦敦的雾一向使当地居民觉得讨厌。The organization has peddled the myth that they are supporting the local population.该组织散布了他们在支持当地居民的谎言。A few local residents have been agitating against a military presence.有些当地居民一直在鼓动反对驻军。The local people are very friendly to/toward visitors.当地居民对游客很友善。Several locals appeared distinctly unamused by his remarks.几个当地居民看上去显然没有被他的话逗笑。Local residents should contact the police if they notice anything unusual.当地居民如果发现任何异常情况应与警方联系。A lot of local residents are against council plans to widen the road.许多当地居民反对市议会拓宽道路的计划。Kao-hsiung city government's decision to tear down the fruit market met with virulent opposition from local citizens.高雄市政府要拆除果菜市场的决定遭到当地居民剧烈的反对。Local residents laced their farms with irrigation canals and ditches.当地居民在农场里设了灌溉沟渠网。Local residents are forming their own vigilante groups.当地居民正在组成自己的治安队。The hospital may restrict bookings to people living locally.这家医院可能会限定只有当地居民才能预约。Local inhabitants display their handicrafts on the wayside.当地居民在路边陈列他们的手工艺品。Plans to build a new nightclub in the neighbourhood have enraged local residents.在附近地区新建一家夜总会的计划激怒了当地居民Despite local opposition, the plans for the new supermarket have been cleared by the council.议会不顾当地居民的反对,批准了建新超市的计划。They had been called in to clear drains after local people reported a foul smell.当地居民举报闻到恶臭气味后,他们被叫来清理排水沟。The police have provided experts to counsel local people affected by the tragedy.警方请来专家对受该惨案影响的当地居民提供咨询服务。The proposed shopping centre has called forth an angry response from local residents.修建购物中心的计划引起了当地居民的愤怒。The home would cause less disturbance to local residents than a school.养老院对当地居民造成的干扰会比学校小。The new police have received strong support from local residents.新的政策受到了当地居民的热烈拥护。Some local residents whistled and hissed at them as they entered.他们进来时,一些当地居民向他们吹口哨,发嘘声。Local residents are pushing for the road to be made safer.当地居民反复要求把那条路修得安全些。The locals were a very staid lot.当地居民非常保守。They worked hard, but tended to stay aloof from the local inhabitants.他们工作努力,但是一般不和当地居民来往。The locals were encouraged to trap and kill the birds.当地居民过去被鼓励设捕捉器捕杀这种鸟。




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