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词汇 当即
例句 The proposals were swiftly and unsurprisingly rejected by Western ministers.一如所料,这些提议当即遭到西方各位部长的反对。He said yes right off the bat.当即就答应了。Their deaths were instantaneous.他们是当即死亡的。Both drivers were killed instantly.两名司机当即丧生。When the boss saw him stealing, he was fired on the spot.老板看见他在偷东西,当即开除了他。I was instantly branded as a rebel.当即被诬蔑成叛乱分子。His excitement communicated itself instantly.当即露出兴奋的神色。She was knocked down by a car and killed instantly.她被车撞倒后当即死亡。He saw Emma and promptly dropped his tray of drinks.他看见埃玛,饮料托盘当即脱手掉在地上。Marie immediately felt guilty.玛丽当即感觉内疚。He pulled the trigger and the bottle was shot to pieces.他扣动扳机,瓶子当即被打得粉碎。They died instantaneously.他们当即死亡。He stopped, incredulous at his own stupidity.当即住口,对自己的愚蠢简直有点不敢相信。Her death was almost instantaneous.她几乎当即就死了。The teacher read the riot act when he found the boys cheating in their exams.老师发现男生们考试作弊当即给予严重警告。His attack on the manager led to his instant dismissal.他攻击经理使他当即丢了工作。His announcement did not produce any immediate cheers, only a stunned silence while the words sank in.他的声明并没有当即引起什么欢呼,人们在领会了他的话后,只有一片令人意想不到的沉默。She was killed instantly when her car hit a tree.她开车撞到一棵树上,当即死亡。He was transfixed to the spot when I told him the terrible news.我把那可怕的消息告诉他时他当即呆住了。This time I'd gone too far, and I quit drinking there and then.这一次我是太过分了,于是我当即就戒了酒。Most meteorites striking the earth vaporize instantly.大多数撞击地球的陨星会当即汽化。He fell in with my suggestion at once.当即同意了我的建议。She was instantly embarrassed and could feel her face heating up.当即窘得不行,只觉得脸上一阵发烧。I got home at 2 am and Dad grounded me on the spot.我凌晨两点回家,爸爸当即罚我不准出去。She lost no time in telling Sonia what had happened.当即把发生的事告诉了索尼亚。He said he wanted his money back then and there.他说他要当即讨回他的钱。We just jumped in a car on the spur of the moment and drove to the seaside.我们一时心血来潮,当即跳上汽车向海边开去。Dr. Samuels immediately disavowed the newspaper story.赛缪尔斯博士当即对新闻报道予以了否认。He touched a wire and was immediately electrocuted.他碰到了电线,当即触电身亡。He was immediately seized and thrown into prison.当即被抓并被投进了监狱。I instantly knew what the call was about.当即就意识到这个电话的来意了。The cause of the problem was not immediately clear. 造成问题的原因没有当即查明。Dr Samuels immediately disavowed the newspaper story.赛缪尔斯博士当即对新闻报道予以否认。He unearthed a monocle and screwed it into his eye.他挖出了一个单片眼镜,当即固定在眼睛上。All four victims died instantly.四名受害人全部当即死亡。I had to make a snap decision about what to do with the money.我必须当即决定怎样处理这笔钱。I knew straight away it was a bad injury.当即就知道伤势很重。His application was rejected out of hand.他的申请当即遭到了拒绝。




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