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词汇 当儿
例句 He was playing Russian roulette with his life. 他简直是在拿自己的生命当儿戏。Joanna was pouring the drink. While she was thus engaged, Charles sat on one of the bar-stools.乔安娜正在倒酒。就在她正忙的当儿,查尔斯坐在了一张酒吧凳子上。They're playing with other people's money.他们拿别人的钱当儿戏。His allegations cannot be lightly dismissed.不能把他提出的指控当儿戏。They had a few drinks as the turkey cooked.趁烧火鸡的当儿他们喝了几杯。I thought about going into town during the interim.我想趁间歇的当儿进城一趟。You have to take this seriously. You're playing with people's lives!你必须认真对待这件事。你正在拿人们的性命当儿戏!When he didn't answer, she sneaked a glance at him.趁他默不作声的当儿,她偷偷看了他一眼。




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