例句 |
The conquerors' religion was thrust upon the population by force.征服者用武力强使当地人接受他们的宗教信仰。Her youth and competitiveness tipped the balance in her favour.她的年轻和好强使她占据了优势。At the extreme, some nuclear waste is so radioactive it has to be kept isolated for thousands of years.在极端的情况下,有些核废物的放射性之强使其需隔离保存数千年。Posing the question this way is like asking what tomorrow's weather will be and forces a probabilistic answer.这样提问题有如问明天的天气如何,强使人作盖然性的回答。The teacher pounded the grammatical rules into her students.老师强使学生记住文法规则。 |