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词汇 chimneys
例句 All was quiet, except for the wind keening round corners and moaning down the chimneys.一切都静悄悄的,只有风哀号着扫过街角,呼啸着钻进烟囱。He could see grimy roofs, factory chimneys and church spires.他可以看到肮脏的屋顶、工厂的烟囱和教堂的尖顶。The distant chimneys of Amsterdam belched out fumes.远处阿姆斯特丹的烟囱冒出了烟雾。The skyline is dominated by smoking factory chimneys.地平线上全是工厂冒着烟的烟囱。The air was black from smoking chimneys.烟囱冒着烟,空气都变黑了。Smoke belched from the factory chimneys beside the river.河边那家工厂的烟囱里冒出滚滚浓烟。Tall chimneys rise into the air.高高的烟囱耸入云霄。No smoke plumed out of the factory's great chimneys.没有烟雾从工厂的大烟囱里飘出来。Scrubbers in factory chimneys can extract harmful particles before they are vented into the atmosphere.工厂烟囱里的清洗器可以在废气排到大气之前吸收有害颗粒。Thick plumes of smoke billowed from factory chimneys.工厂烟囱冒出滚滚浓烟。Factory chimneys showered soot on the district.工厂的烟囱把大量煤灰倾吐在这一地区。Little children used to be used to sweep chimneys.过去小孩常常被叫去打扫烟囱。The chimneys were throwing out huge plumes of black smoke.烟囱在喷吐大股大股的黑烟。Tall chimneys can disperse the smoke.高烟囱能够使烟散开。The chimneys vomited volumes of smoke.烟囱喷出滚滚浓烟。In the distance, he could see the tall chimneys of the factory.在远处他看得见那家工厂的高耸的烟囱。The outlines of rooftops and chimneys stood out against the pale sky.屋顶和烟囱的轮廓在灰暗的天空下显得很醒目。Smoke was curling out of kitchen chimneys.厨房烟囱里升起了袅袅炊烟。Factory chimneys belched dense white smoke into the sky.工厂的烟囱向空中喷吐出浓浓的白烟。Smoke issued from the factory chimneys.烟从工厂烟囱中冒出。The factory chimneys puffed dense smoke.工厂的烟囱吐出浓烟。There's no view from my bedroom window except of some factory chimneys.从我的卧室窗口看出去除了几柱工厂的烟囱什么都看不见。Smoke curled from tall chimneys.烟从高高的烟囱中袅袅升起。Smoke wreathed upwards from the chimneys.烟从烟囱中袅袅上升。The chimneys gave off thick, black smoke.烟囱里冒出浓浓黑烟。Heat from the chimneys is pumped back in to supplement the heating system.烟囱的热能被回吸进供热设备以增强其热力。Smoke drifted lazily from a multitude of quaint chimneys.炊烟从许多古色古香的烟囱袅袅腾起。Smoke gusted up from chimneys to merge with cloud.一阵阵烟从烟囱中喷出来与云雾融成一体。




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