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词汇 弥撒
例句 Pope John Paul celebrated mass today in a city in central Poland.教皇保罗二世今天在波兰中部的一个城市主持了弥撒A small number of congregants had assembled for Midnight Mass.少数会众聚在一起,等待子夜弥撒He cannot celebrate Mass in public, wear clerical garb or call himself a priest.他不能公开庆祝弥撒,不能穿神职人员的服装,也不能自称为牧师。The priest will hear confessions after mass today.今天的弥撒结束后神父会聆听告解。Before Mass the boys prepared the altar.弥撒前,教士助手们准备好了圣餐台。The pontiff celebrated mass in Mexico City.教皇在墨西哥城主持了弥撒A new priest said Mass this morning.今天上午一位新牧师做了弥撒The mass always ends with a blessing.弥撒总是以祈神赐福结束。We go to Midnight Mass at Christmas.圣诞节我们要参加子夜弥撒The Pontiff celebrated mass in Mexico City.教皇在墨西哥城主持了弥撒Priests chanted the Catholic Mass in Latin.神父们用拉丁语咏唱天主教弥撒His Eminence Cardinal Hume celebrated Mass.休谟红衣主教大人主持了弥撒Fr. McDonald conducted the mass.麦克唐纳神父主持了弥撒A priest celebrates Mass at the church daily.神父每天在教堂举行弥撒Sunday Masses are held at three different times.星期日的弥撒在三个不同时间段举行。The bishop officiated the memorial Mass.主教主持了悼念弥撒




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