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Freddie kept snatching toys from the other children.弗雷迪总是抢其他孩子的玩具。Freddy, first of all, I didn't flirt with him. He flirted with me.弗雷迪,首先我没和他打情骂俏,是他想和我打情骂俏。Freddie would tell me nothing about what he was writing, except that it was to be a Christmas play.弗雷迪丝毫不肯透露他正在写什么,只告诉我那是一个圣诞节剧本。Freedie was speaking on the other end of the line.弗雷迪正在另一头接电话。He kept looking for a chance to get his own back on Freddie.他一直在找机会报复弗雷迪。Freddie Mercury was a flamboyant star of the British hard rock scene.弗雷迪·摩克瑞是英国硬摇滚乐界一颗耀眼的明星。Freddy's folks were away, so we had the place all to ourselves.弗雷迪的家人都不在,所以这地方全是我们的了。Freddie Mercury died only two days after making it public that he was suffering from AIDS.弗雷迪·墨丘利公开他患有艾滋病仅仅两天后就去世了。To be frank, Freddie, you're just not up to the job.说老实话,弗雷迪,你胜任不了那份工作。Freddie's been growing so fast - he already comes up to my shoulder.弗雷迪长得这么快,现在身高已到我的肩了。I don't think Freddy had it in him to be a killer.我认为弗雷迪成不了杀手。Freddie and Kate are a perfect match.弗雷迪和凯特非常般配。Tension builds around the mystery of what will happen to Freddie.弗雷迪会发生什么事显得神秘莫测,气氛愈发紧张。The money raised will go a long way towards paying for Freddie's medical treatment.所筹得的钱对支付弗雷迪的医疗费用有帮助。Freddie managed to squeeze through a gap in the fence and run away.弗雷迪设法从篱笆的一个缺口挤出去逃走了。Freddie was an angelic-looking child with blond, curly hair, blue eyes, and dimples.弗雷迪是一个有着天使般面孔的孩子,一头金色的卷发,蓝色的眼睛,还有一对小酒窝儿。Freddie muttered something to me in an undertone.弗雷迪轻声向我嘀咕了些什么。My mother gave me a really hard time about Freddy. She couldn't stand him.我妈为了弗雷迪和我过不去,她受不了他。Freddie was distressed when, through the grapevine, he heard of Liza's marriage.弗雷迪听说了莉莎的婚姻,感到很难过。A bonny, bouncing baby, Freddie was her heart's desire and joy.小宝贝弗雷迪健康美丽,活泼可爱,她称心如意,非常欢喜。 |